are you serious

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it's been 3 months Brent and Pierson begun to hang out more and talked easily with each other now. Pierson is now friends with the squad and they all love her

Jeremy: hey Pierson

Pierson: hey Jeremy what's up

Jeremy: so I want you to help me pull this prank

Pierson: on who (she laughs)

Jeremy: Brent

Pierson: I'm down

Jeremy: are you serious let's gooooo!!!!!

Pierson (laughs)

Jeremy: so basically this is the plan
So we all know that Brent has a huge crush on you

Pierson (laughs again) yah..

Jeremy: so we are going to be doing the wrong number prank so it's just a little prank nothing much so you are going to text Brent something like Brent is so clingy I'm sick and tired of him and be like oops wrong number that's stage 1 then for stage 2 I hired an actor to play your new "love instrest"

Pierson: are you serious (while laughing)

Jeremy: yup and then you guys are going to be walking down the street holding hands while me and Brent drive past and for stage 3 you are going to completely ignore Brent the whole time and give him dead replies

Pierson: this is going to be awesome

Jeremy:I know right let's get into it okay stage one the text

Pierson: I am so sick and tired of Brent he is so boring by the way wanna hang later and our spot (love emoji)

Brent: huh?

Pierson: sorry Brent I was just playing around

Brent: okay

Jeremy: (laughs) I am very sure Brent is very confused right now let's move to stage two

Jeremy goes over to Brent place and asks him to go get food with him he agrees and on their way there they see Pierson and a boy holding hands walking down the street

Brent: wait is that Pierson

Jeremy: let me see oh yah it is Pierson who is that guy do you know him?

Brent: No I do not know him pull over

Jeremy: what no you can ask her about it later

Brent : fine let's go

They drive past Pierson and the boy and Pierson pretends she didn't see them Brent continues to look at them and sees Pierson pecking his cheek

Brent: did you see that

Jeremy: see what

Brent: Pierson literally just gave him a peck on the cheek

Jeremy: it's just a peck bro chill they could be friends or smth

Brent: friends don't hold hands and peck each other

Jeremy: uhummm

They get their food and go back home Brent immediately texts Pierson

Brent: Pierson who was that guy you were with

Pierson: are you stalking me!

Brent: no I happened to be driving by with Jeremy

Pierson: no one

Brent : I literally saw you pecking his cheek


Brent:so I don't know why ??

Pierson: whatever

Brent: Pierson if I did anything wrong please tell me

She leaves him on read

Jeremy: good job Pierson!!

Pierson: I kinda feel bad tho

Jeremy: well no need to feel bad because it's time to tell him it was all a prank

Pierson: okay let's go

At Brent's
Ben, Lexi r and Dom are there

Jeremy: Hey Brent

Brent : hey Jeremy

Jeremy: so umm did you like the prank we pulled on you earlier (he laughs)

Brent: what prank wait..

Pierson and the boy come in laughing

Pierson: it was a prank

Brent: are you kidding me Pierson!!

Pierson : sorry Jeremy talked me into it

Brent: Jeremy!!

Jeremy: we got you good didn't we

Brent: well I wouldn't say good but yah

Pierson: yes Jeremy! We pranked the prank master ( she and Jeremy high five and hug)

Brent: that's enough he seperates them

Lexi r: somebody's jealous

Brent: no I'm not

Ben : yup Brent's jealous he laughs

Brent: that's enough I'm tired of you all and your pranks Pierson can I talk to you for a second

All of them except brierson: ooooooh

Pierson: what's up

Brent: so you aren't with that guy right?

Pierson : no I'm not(she laughs) and of it makes you feel any better( she pecks him on his cheeks and leaves

Brent's POV
Pierson just pecked me on the cheek !! Although the prank hit me pretty hard I almost thought I had lost Pierson but she has proved to me that I can trust her I think I'm going to ask her on a date and ask her to be my girlfriend no more time wasting

It's getting late and everyone leaves the house and Lexi goes up to her room it's just Brent and Pierson.

Brent: so Pierson...

Pierson: yh

Brent: I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me tommorow night

Pierson: oh sorry Brent I have a date with twan (btw twan was the boy)

Brent : oh okay

Pierson (laughs) of course silly I'll go on a date with you

Brent: you're so funny ( laughs) I'll pick you up at your place tomorrow by 7

Pierson: sounds good with me

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