I'm jealous....

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Brent  plans to ask Pierson on the double date when she comes over the next day

The next day

Brent Jeremy Ben and the Lexi's are in Brent's house when Pierson arrives

Pierson: hey everyone

Everyone: hi

They all talk and hang out for a bit

Brent: hey Pierson can I talk to you for a sec

He makes eye contact with Lexi

Pierson: sure

They go to a corner

Brent: I was wondering if you wanted to go on a double date with me and my friend Mackenzie she has a brother you can go with

Pierson: umm sure just send me the date and location and I'll be there

Brent: good it's on Tuesday that's tommorow

Pierson: that's good with me

She goes back to Meet everyone

Pierson's POV
Brent just asked me to go on a double date I thought I was going to be his date but he's going with this girl Mackenzie I honestly can not blame regarding how I treated him

The day of the date
Brent, Mackenzie and her brother David are already there when Pierson walks in

Brent's mind: she looks so beautiful

Brent: Pierson over here
She walks over to them and takes a seat next to David

Brent: so Pierson this is Kenzie kenzie this is Pierson

Kenzie: hi nice to meet Brent has told absolutely nothing about you

Pierson: a little hurt nice to meet you too

David: hey Pierson I'm David you look beautiful tonight

Pierson: thank you she smiles

Brent's mind: stop hitting on her!

They continue the date and Pierson starts to notice that Brent and Kenzie are acting very couply they are feeding each other, laughing and Brent has her arm around her

Pierson: I have to go guys thanks for the dinner

Kenzie: so soon that's a shame

David: okay bye

Kenzie: hey babe wanna come over to my house tonight?

Brent: sure

Pierson runs out of the restaurant crying

Pierson's POV
I can't believe Brent would do this to me I am done with relationship love is not for me I'm just going to cry in my room and ask Lexi for advice

Brent's POV
I think the plan worked pretty well she seemed very jealous and Kenzie and David are very good actors even I got jealous too I'm gonna text Lexi

Brent: hey Lexi

Lexi: how was it?

Brent: I think it worked too well she went out crying

Lexi: that's too far have you talked to her?

Brent: what will I say? Pierson that was all a prank I will sound so stupid

Lexi : yah it will just leave it to me

Brent: okay I trust you

It's 10 pm and Lexi drives off to Lexi and Pierson's apartment

Lexi: knocks on the door

Lexi h: Lexi what are you doing here

Lexi r: is Pierson home?

Lexi h: yah she just came in few minutes ago Pierson!! Lexi's here to see you


Lexi h: she's up stairs

Lexi r: I think we should both go see her

They go to Pierson's room and see her crying on the floor eating a bag of chips

Lexi r: Pierson baby it's okay she hugs her

Lexi h: Pierson why didn't you tell me something was wrong

Pierson: i didn't want to bother you with my problems

Lexi h:your problems are our problems

Lexi r: and your problems are also kinda out fault too

Pierson: what do you mean

They tell her all about the plan

Pierson: I can't believe you guys did that

Lexi h: Brent was getting tired we had to help him

Lexi r: and at least now he knows that you like him

Pierson: yh i really do like him

Lexi h: then what's stopping you??

Pierson: I am just scared that he will break my heart just like jacob did

Lexi r: I have known Brent for a long time I see the way he looks at you the way he is around you you guys are meant to be together

Lexi h: yes soulmates!

Pierson: you really think so? She wipes her tears

Lexi h: yh we do
They both hug her


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