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"So, there is going to be a secret clan conference?" Wei Wuxian said as he looked into the abstruse pools of burnt amber belonging to the eyes of the sect leader. Burnt to the point that the once blazing brilliant amber disappeared and only the grimy ash remained. At least in Wei Wuxian's opinion.

"If you put it that way, then yes, since every sect that goes against the Wen sect is there except the man, himself" Lan Xichen said, bemused.

'And what are even the chances of Wen Rouhan not noticing this?-', Wei Wuxian's suspicion halted when Lan Xichen came closer to him. He repressed the impulse to back away; Holding his head up high and still holding a mask of neutrality on.

Lan Xichen's glinted with hidden intentions that Wei WuXian was not in the slightest bit interested in unearthing.

"Wen Zhuliu... Anything you might know about him?" Lan Xichen asked, waiting eagerly at Wei Wuxian.

Wei Wuxian's orbs widened as he suddenly remembered who that man was.

Lan Xichen let out a noise of approval, smiling drily. He handed the official documents containing information about the secret conference.

"HuaDan Shou*? I heard the Wen surname was given to him...his past is a mystery and the few pieces that are available to the public's eyes are either false rumors or blatant facts that we cannot use against him in any case, if that is what you are looking for.", Wei Wuxian thought out loud as he scanned the official documents that were given to him by Lan Xichen.

Lan Xichen was fascinated, to say the least, he did not expect Wei Wuxian to know this much of delicate information about the abhorred man hidden away from everyone else, under Wen Rouhan's protection. Especially when Wen Zhuliu was a name that only a few people knew.

"Are you asking me to find a way to take down one of the most trusted men of Wen Rouhan?" Wei Wuxian questioned him with a sharp look.

"Only if you're able to, of course," Lan Xichen retaliated slyly with a smile that didn't quite fool the crown prince.

Wei Wuxian thought for a while and then tried to hide the merriment that would've been probably glinting in his eyes when he realized how easily he could use this chance to his advantage.

"Hm...I may present a plan at the secret conference that is coming up in 3 days" Wei Ying informed him monotonously; just like how he had been during the whole interaction.

'Proceed on, Wuxian...This is your final chance to show me how worthy you are as my furen', Lan Xichen thought, something about Wei Wuxian made him feel like he wouldn't disappoint him in the upcoming trial of a delicately stringed war.

"I will be taking my leave now, Sanren-Er-Gongzi," Lan Xichen said fondly, in a way that made Wei Wuxian regret ever coming out of seclusion and into the human society.

He then left the library, closing the door behind him.

When Wei Wuxian could no longer feel his qi aura, he heaved out a big sigh.

Wei Wuxian wondered what screw was loose in Lan Xichen's head to call him Sanren-Er-Gongzi, almost everyone knew better than to address the lofty young master of celestial mountains with that title.

They always used 'Young master Wei' as a way to show respect to the late husband of the late Mistress Sanren. The Wei surname was just a way to show clarity of peace between the second heir and the cultivation world.

'Lan Xichen, I shouldn't be around him...Ugh, I should have realized that years back when he killed a disciple for trying to gift me a trinket...Of course, nobody knew that except me,' Wei Wuxian thought numbly.

Prince Wei Of Celestial Mountains /MDZS FANFIC /original/Where stories live. Discover now