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gagaga149: Hello Wattpadians!!! I'm gagaga149 (or Sophie), along with a few fellow Wattpadians!

Creeperzzzzz: my real name is CONFIDENTIAL...

wat up: hi this is a person...

gagaga149: So, this may be totally weird, but we're gonna try something new... we're gonna post "books" on wattpad of us randomly talking!!! (yeah, we're crazy)

wat up: crazzzzy Dave!

gagaga149: IM NOT NAMED DAVE!!!

wat up:hehe...oops


gagaga149: um... i'll just stick w/ copy and pasting, thank you very much...

Cc: pssh... Suit yourself...

gagaga149: yup, im smart :)

wat up: i'm so smert!

gagaga149: *looks at wat up* yeah... good luck with that...

wat up: why thank u Sophie

gagaga149: *rolls eyes*

Cc: Okay then...

gagaga149: Creeperzzzzz r u gonna use C or Cc?

Cc: Yes -_-

gagaga149: MAKE UP YOUR MIND *goes afk*


wat up: yeah make up your tiny little mind..

C: You guyz gonna make meh cry... ESPECIALLY YOU WAT UP!! *mumbling* fudgin bastages...

wat up: *smirks*

C: Sophie? SOPHIE?! HELP!!!! *backs into corner away from wat up*

wat up:*brings out knife*

gagaga149: *gets back* *grabs several knives* back away from the girl

C: *sighs dreamily* My hero

gagaga149: *waves* hi bestie!!!

C: Ello again!

wat up: *pulls girl In front of self with knife to neck* Neveeer!

gagaga149: *looks at knifes carefully* u kno i can throw these, right?

wat up: *sweats* *looks around for escape *

C: *looks from Sophie to wat up* Uhh... *sniffles* MOMMY!!

gagaga149: *looks at C skeptically* really?

C: *narrows eyes at Sophie* u don't even know... *mom bursts into room with machine gun* IM COMING FOR YOU CREEPERZZZZZ!!!

wat up: *drops Creeperzzzzz and runs*

gagaga149: uh... no comment...

C's Mom: NOT SO FAST YOU WHIPPERSNAPPER!! *shoots circle in the floor and wat up falls into a never ending abyss*

gagaga149: *looks at C's mom* ok, u can stop now

wat up: that was pretty intense *calls from a distance in the floor* now can I have some help up?!?

C: Thanks mummy!

Mom: Anytime!

C: can i have waffles?

Mom: EAT YOUR PEAS FIRST!!! *mom shoots away on a jetpack into the stars*

gagaga149: Wattpadians, if you are reading this, i would like to point out that Creeperzzzzz's mom is not actually writing with us, Creeperzzzzz is writing "for" her mom... although that'd be pretty awesome w/ the jetpack and stuff... *sighs dramatically*

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