Rules Without A Relationship

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I want to touch on relationships.

When I was a younger mom, I met a beautiful family. The mother had serious juvenile diabetes, still she got up and cared for her five children everyday and gardened, as well as was very active in her community. 

She told me one say "Rules without relationship breeds rebellion" I drank that statement up like a fresh drink of cold water to a thirsty mouth. It still stands true to this day, now that our son is 19, as it did when he was only 1 year.

Time with our little ones is important just as is time with our teens. It could be as simple as sitting on the couch watching TV with the 2 year old, or taking my 19 year old out for lunch because I know it is expensive to be 19 and have bills, and trying to live on your own for the first time. It becomes apparent when the children need some hanging out with their parents, and talking time, when they don't get it, they get all out of sorts and find there ways into all sorts of mischeif, from writing on walls with crayons as a toddler to forgetting to pay their bills as a teenager. It is important to make time for our children. 

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