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I watched Fiona's death and it left a hole in my heart. She was the first person I opened up to. A good friend to many too.
I gripped my gun harder, and glared at the mutants.
"Haven't you claimed enough?" I shouted and lunged at a mutant, and shot it through the stomach, while with my other hand I wielded my dagger. I sliced through another mutants neck, and launched myself at more mutants.
"Luke we have to go!" I could faintly hear Jaylynn over the roar of blood in my ears, but I paid no attention to it. Instead, I kept fighting. But I began to get more exhausted and I kept jumping and slaughtering mutants. One scratched at my leg, and I quickly shot it in the head, and panted heavily as I came back from whatever trance I was in.
"J-Jay?" I whispered, and looked at the group. They were already fleeing, but Jaylynn was fighting her way over to me.
"Luke! Let's go already!" She shrieked at me, and I realized that she was getting tired too. I nodded slowly, and killed the mutants that were in between us.
"Right.. Let's go." I said to her, and grabbed her wrist and led us out, pushing any mtant to the side that got in my path.
We finally caught up to the group, and led them along a highway.
"We can't stop." Jaylynn was saying to them, but I kept my eyes glued ahead. We were once again driven out from our camp.
I finally spotted through the radiated air, a city! It was much bigger than the last ones we've been in.
Jaylynn spotted it too, and we both nodded to each other, silently agreeing to check it out.
"We're gonna need supplies now.." Dash grumbled. I glancwd at him, before I looked back ahead.
"Yeah.." I said quietly.
It look us about half an hour to reach the city. But when we did, I was hoping that we could find somewhere safe to sleep for the night. If not, it was going to be a long walk until we do.
But this city is like any other I've been in. Ruined, population 0, and supplies were probably low.
"Watch out guys!" Jaylynn shrieked, and I whirled around to see the team jumping out of the way, but I was too late to catch on, and got slammed into a wall, really hard by a powerful mutant. I gasped silently as different colors exploded in my vision. But it didn't last long as things slowly began to fade. I tried to grip onto concionous, but the darkness was overwhelming, and as I felt myself losing, I felt myself.. Become almost blank. Like I couldn't remember why I was fighting. Or what I was fighting for that matter. Finally, I let go, and gave in to the dizzying darkness.

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