Chapter 5

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Sorry it took me so long to upload this. And sorry for it being so short. Didn't have much of an idea to work with. But tell me what you think and give me some ideas please....

Luke's POV

Her body slowly went up and down with every breath she took, her ears twitched as she shifted her weight to one side. Rustling came from the woods, looking back the pack slowly approached. Pups playfully ran to the lakes edge. Me and Sam were hidden behind a tree I leaned up against. Luckily a big bush kept us hidden as well. Sams parents voices echoed through the trees as they spoke. You can definitely tell they were rightfully alpha. From the way they walked, to the way they talked, and to the way they ate. They both had a watchful eye on the whole pack, mostly the pups. 

On the other hand "The Alpha" slumped over on his paws. You can tell he was tired from running. Slowly he made his way to the lake side. His thick black coat had silver hairs here and there. He was defiantly not meant to be Alpha. A twig broke from in-front of us, jumping up in a fight stance, Sams head slammed on the ground and she let out a roar of pain. Which made the whole pack stop what they were doing.

Growling came from behind me, looking two ginger wolfs stood bearing their teeth. By the way they looked at Sam, they seemed like family to her. But, I wasn't going to take any chances. I stood my ground and put my body in-front of Sam. She looked dazed and confused.

"Who. Are. You?" one of the ginger wolfs asked. Before I could speak, Sam moved in-front. She gave them both a calm but stern look. A look only a alpha could give. Both the wolfs whimpered and stood down. The rest of the pack started to walk up closer though. The "Alpha" came from the pack.

"Who are y'all?" he asked. His full brown eyes were hard to read. Never have I seen eyes like his. They were dull, and full of pain, and filled with fear. Sam I guess could sense my tension as she took a step closer. A growl was about to escape from my throat but before I could, Sam pushed herself in-front of me and made me fall back into the lake. Jumping out a loud hiss came from my lips. Looking at my bottom a sharp rock was stuck on my butt. Looking, at Sam she gave me a cheesy grin. Then she looked back at the "Alpha".

Sam's POV

I've never seen my pack eyes filled with fear. Taking a deep breath I shifted into my wolf. My black strips shinned in the moonlight.

"Sam?" a dark brown wolf came out of the crowd. Looking, it was David...

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