Who Was She!? Part 1

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*Luhan POV*

After I went to the practice room and I was with the guys in our meeting when Aiden came in.

*Author Note*
Aiden is the boy version of Amber from F(x).

*Luhan POV*

"Guys there is a girl unconscious I think she felt down the stairs" Aiden said while breathing hard.

"WHAT..... DIANA!!!! " I run out the room and everyone followed me. As I get where she was my heart stop and all I did was get closer to her and hold her and said CALL THE AMBULANCE NOW!

At The Hospital......

I came to the hospital with her, I called her mom and told her what happened an as expected she was worry and rush to the hospital.

"Luhan" I heard a voice call my name and it was a Doctor.

"She is calling your name while unconscious I think you should be there when she wakes up" he said.

"Yes I will may I ask how is her condition?" I said with a worry face.

"She is ok just bruces in her legs and back" he said.

"Okay thank you so much" I bow and went inside the room.

After 5 minutes Aiden walk in and ask how she was doing.

"She good bro thanks for telling me that she got hurt" I said.

"No problem, what was she doing there anyway?" Aiden said.

"She a new SM artist and teacher" I said hopeing that after this Diana will still stay.

"Oh cool" he said.

*Diana POV*

When I was opening my eyes I heard Luhans Voice. I barely could talk.

"Luhan is that you" I said with a weak voice.

"Diana are aweak I am here" he said while holding my hand.

"Were am I?" I ask confuse.

"You are at the hospital you trip down the stairs" he said with a soft voice.

"Luhan I didn't trip I was push by a girl but I don't know who" I said scared.

To be continued.........

Hey guys here is an update hope you enjoy. In till you read again god bless you all. -Love Diana xox <3

P.S comment and vote that would help me. Suggestions are welcome to
Thanks guys <3

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