Confession Of Love Part 2

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*Aiden POV*

After Krystal got out of the practice room crying I followed her but when I try to catching her but she disappear.

*Krystal POV*

Why not me Luhan? I thought to myself when he said he loved that blind girl. As I run out of the practice room I decided to go to the rooftop of the bluding.


"Krystal I been looking for you every where" I hear Aiden say as I turn around.

"What do you want?" I said while turning my back.

"I just wanted to see how you are doing" he said with a caring tone.

"I want to be alone Aiden can you please go"I said as I hold my tears from falling.

"Ok I will leave but no befor I tell you that you shouldn't cry for someone who never looked at you" Aiden said that and walk away.

*Diana POV*

When I heard what luhan said to Krystal that he likes me and hug me I could not help but to smile inside. I felt bad about Krystal because I know why she did what she did but I can help but feel happy too.

"Diana I am sorry if I scared you by telling you that I like you like this but I do" he said while hold my hands after ledding go of the huge.

"It's ok" feeling my chick becoming warm.

"Shall We go" I hear luhan say and I nod as to say yes.

*3rd Person POV*

As Diana and Luhan were abouy to leave tge room Sully,Luna & Victoria told them they were really sorry and that the would like to be friends with Diana. "I understand and yes we can be friends" Diana said while bowing goodbye.

Hey guys sorry for the late update abd for it being short. I work as a babysitter so it difficult some time and also I take care of my mother. I got good new GOT7 is coming to Dallas tx were I am May 10 I am so excited to see them. Well hope you enjoy this chapter in till you read again god bless you all abd thanks for the support. -Love Diana xox

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