A New Me....

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*Diana POV*

I am so happy now I can be fully myself. And I van do things I couldn't with out help. Today I will be back to SM ready to work but before that Mr. Lee will tell everyone that I  had a surgery and now I was able to see again only my parents and luhan knew and my BFF who was on her way here for vacation for 2 months.

"Baby are you ready" Luhan came to get me and as I turn around his eyes are looking at me with surprise.

"Hanie are you ok... do I look bad?" I ask while he comes back to reality.

"You... Um.... you look beautiful you make me look under dress" he said while blushing.

"Oh! Haha you are cute" I said with a wink. I know what his going to say.

" I am not cute..... I am manly" he said while pinning me against the wall and kissing me passionately.

" you are but we have to go... remember the plan right?" I said he nods.

At the SM conference room......

*3rd Person POV*

As Diana and luhan make there way to the sits Krystal looks at them with anger. The plan is to make sure no one can tell Diana could see again in till is time to tell everyone. As everyone claps for Mr. Lee Diana and luhan get up and walk as if luhan is guiding her.

"We everyone I call you all her this evening to inform you that Diana has gain her eyesight back. Krystal was so mad.

Krystal got up and walk to the stage with an angry look and slap Diana in the face and said.

"Now you will pay for this" and she walked out of there.

Hey guys here with an update hope you enjoy this chapter in till you read again god bless you all thanks for the support love you my beautiful readers till next time love Diana xox <3

Ps. Sorry if it's short lol btw Happy birthday to my niece ScarletAshes

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