when i was a little girl... er boy....

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I remember when i first met holy roman empire....

sometimes, he would bully me in front of the other bigger countries, but he made up for it later....

when he left me....



He never came back....

i cried and cried when i heard the news....

holy roman empire was defeated and taken over.

but i eventually stopped crying, stopped moping, and hid all of my pain


and hate.

i grew up, making myself happy on the thought of food.

but then i met him.

Why Do I Love Him?

Italy P.O.V

i was called to a surprise meeting, what fun! nobody told me why though, but i didnt care. i got dressed and ate my breakfast, then headed to the meeting. it didnt take me too long to get there, and when i did, there was nothing. no sounds of fights. no talking. nothing. pure silence. i was scared, and walked in carefully. everyone was there. "Italy.... there is a new country that showed up a while back, at prussia's house. of course, prussia raised his new brother, and now he told us...." England said. i was bubbly as ever, excited to meet him. "well? where is he! i bet we'll be great-a friends!" i said, happily bouncing around and smiling. my eyes were half closed, but looked fully closed for everyone else. "well, the thing is, italy, Germany is-" suddenly the door opened and prussia walked in, a taller man behind him. i took one look at him and my eyes slowly opened and widened, my muscles tensing and teeth clenched. he looked like a tall, buff version of holy roman empire, like he had grown up. "Italy.... this is Germany...." i heard England say quietly. I slammed my hands down on the table, standing up so abruptly that the chair flew back and fell. "Is-a this some kind of a sick-a joke?!" i yelled, looking at everyone. they looked shocked, silently staring at me. "Is this what-a you find amusing?! How could-a you even do this?!" i screamed, tears threatening to fall from my eyes. some newer countries who didnt know me way back when looked confused. i walked to the door and opened it, then slammed it shut. my tears trickled down my cheeks and i slumped down on the wall. i couldnt help it anymore. all of my heartbreak was back, my pain and suffering. i had hated france for killing him. i felt all of my heartfelt rage come out and i punched the concrete wall. "AH!" i yelped and leaned my head on the wall. blood dripped from my fingernails, trailed from my knuckles. "Are jou okay, Italy?" i heard. i froze and my heart shattered, i heard it. "h...holy roman empire....." i whispered as the tears dripped from my nose. "Get up." i heard. i stayed put. -Who does he think he is?!- i thought, wiping the tears with my sleeve. "Get up, italy." i heard again. his voice was stern, but gentle. i slowly stood up and looked straight at the German. "H-holy roman empire..." i mumbled. He wasnt phased, he wasnt him. my heart throbbed in my chest and i hugged myself, holding my breath and clawing my sides. "Italy, stop it. stand up straight und listen to me." he demanded. i did as told immidiately. "i may not be zhis holy roman empire, und i have no idea vhat vas between you two," he said. "but jou can't start zhis up now. jou need to focus und have control." i was shaking so hard that it hurt. i put on a smile and closed my eyes again. "okay." i said, clenching my teeth and smiling widely. he placed a hand on my shoulder and led me back to the meeting room. "sorry for-a flipping out before, i ate-a some new food today ad its-a not settling with me." i said and smiled widely. "Germany is-a very cool, and i-a want to make an alliance with him." i said, my voice cold. "what do you say, Germany?" i asked, my voice a demand that he had no choice. "sure. Japan, join us." Germany said. i felt the cold in my veins. soon, my love, you will have your revenge.... i thought as i innocently giggled. "Italy.... what are you planning?" Arthur asked. i stood up and opened my eyes, staring directly at france. "Nothing i'll regret." i said and watched his face go from curiosity to horror. "Italy, no." he whispered. i grinned evilly and turned, leaving the room. my two new companions followed me and didnt ask questions. "so now what?" i heard. my mind snapped back to its normal form of bubbly nonsense and i laughed. "don't-a ask me, i don't even-a know what im doing!~" i chirped and skipped to my car. "can we stay at your place for a while, Germany?" i asked as he and japan got into the car. "sure, vhy not?" he said and buckled in. i drove to his house and got out, going inside and twirling around. "can i go take a bath?" i asked, looking at Germany intensly. he nodded and sowed me the way. i was in my boxers when he came in with a towel, starting to tell me how if i needed clothes, prussia left his at the house. "erm....." i felt my cheeks heat up and i bit my lip, hard. i stood there, silent and looking at the floor. "sorry. i should have knocked. " he said quietly, his deep voice going husky from how quiet he was. i tensed and nodded, reaching out and grabbing the towel. "G-Grazi Bello..." i said, my hand flying up and covering my mouth. d-did i just...? "no problem...." he muttered and walked away. i sighed from being so stupid, and being almost naked, but mostly from being stupid. "lo stupido lo stupido lo stupido!" i scolded myself. for now, i'd have to take a shower and hate myself later. "why did i feel that way?" i asked, taking a deep breath. i went and got into my bath, thinking deeply about what had happened.

why do i love him? (hetalia{GerIta})Where stories live. Discover now