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Cassie Jo Stoddart was born Dec. 21, 1989 in Pocatello. She was an avid artist and loved music. Everyone always talked about how smart, kind, and outgoing she was. Cassie was 16 years old and attended Pocatello High School, as a Junior. While attending the school, she met her boyfriend, Matt Beckham. In 2006, they had been dating for six months during the ordeal.

Her aunt and uncle, Frank and Allison Contreras, had made plans for a weekend getaway and asked Cassie to house sit for them while they were away, until Sunday. She had babysat for them before, so of course they knew she would be perfect for this. Friday, September 22nd 2006, after school Cassie arrived at their house located on Whispering Cliffs Drive.

She of course asked her aunt and uncle, if they didn't mind, could Matt hang with her, during the evenings, while they were gone. They of course said that would be fine. Matt arrived at the house at 6PM that evening.

While there, Matt invited two of his friends over; Brian Draper and Torey Adamcik. The two boys showed up between 6:30-7PM and Cassie proceeded to give them a tour of Frank and Allisons house. The four decided to watch a movie, "Kill Bill: Vol. II" to be exact. Cassie considered Brian and Torey to be friends, even though they weren't really that close. They were all in the same class together, so she was fairly comfortable being around them.

Cassie was in fact, though, a little irritated with Matt about inviting the two boys there without her knowing, but continued to let them stay. Matt had reassured her that it was all okay, that they were just going to watch a movie.

During the tour, without Cassie knowing anything, Brian unlocked the door leading to the backyard.

About two hours since the two had been there, Brian and Torey, halfway through the movie, said they were beginning to get bored and that they wanted to leave. They had told both Matt and Cassie they were just gonna go catch a movie at the theatre instead.

About 15 minutes after the two had left, the power goes out leaving Cassie and Matt in the dark. Both began to feel uneasy, might I add. They both knew the breaker was in the basement, but both were fearful to walk down into that abyss. So instead, they both cuddled up together on the couch, hoping the power in the house would cut back on soon.

All of a sudden, the dog belonging to Cassie's aunt and uncle, began barking at the door that led to the basement. That added on to the fear and uneasiness the two were already feeling.

Because of the uneasy feeling that both of them were dealing with, Matt called his mother asking if he could stay the night with Cassie so that she wouldn't be alone. Unfortunately, his mother declined, stating that she would be there to pick him up just as they had planned out in the beginning before Matt came to hang out with Cassie.

Later on, some of the lights came back on, making Cassie and Matt breathe a sigh of relief. By 11PM, Matt's mother had pulled up, waiting for Matt to get into the vehicle so they could go back home.

Sunday, September 24th, just two days later from the night of hanging out, the Contreras family arrived home. Their 13 year old daughter was the first one to walk in the front door that was already unlocked, which she thought was very strange, but didn't think too much about it. A scream escaped her mouth as she turned the lights on and observed the scene in front of her face.

Her parents ran inside to see what was the matter.

Their eyes saw what they least expected. Blood everywhere; all over the furniture, walls, curtains, etc. They looked over towards the couch, and next to it, on the floor, was the body of Cassie Jo Stoddart.

Immediately, Frank Contreras called the police. Soon after, Cassie's father and step mother showed up. Her brother, Andrew Stoddart, later describes how his father called him, stating that his beloved big sister and role model was deceased.

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