Part 1

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Ok first story ever here we go! hope you enjoy this first chapter!

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Today was a big day, a different day. Today was the day that I was meeting my father and brother for the first time in 15 years. You see, not long after me and my brother were born my parents got divorced, leaving me to live with my mother and my brother to live with my father, I was now 17. Today was the day that i was  moving to California, a new family, a new school, a new life.

You might be wondering why after living with my mother for 15 years I just randomly happen to move? Truth is this was not a choice, about a month ago my mother was murdered by two men. My mother never really cared for me, she was an alcoholic and a drug addict, I spent most of my time in my room, trying to get away from her and the world. Living in a old house with barely enough money to put a meal a day on the table, I was a really skinny girl, people at school didn't know the difference between anorexia and not having enough money to buy food. I was bullied about it everyday at school, I would consider myself lucky if I could go through a day without getting any mean comments from the people I called my class mates, therefor, I wasn't the happiest. Anyways, I couldn't care less about my social life at school, my mother was murdered, that was something to be worried about. I know I should be crying right now, but I am not. Don't get me wrong I am not some heartless girl that only cares about herself. But after everything my mother made me go through, you cant blame me. I think she was even asking for it, police say the reason my mother was murdered had something to do with drugs and owning money. They have basically done everything to try and find  them, but with no success.

So here I was, standing in the airport with my hands full, looking like a lost puppy. I wasn't used to be in big crowds, with my small frame of 5'4 I decided it would be better to just sit down and wait for my father to spot me instead of trying to look myself for him over this huge crowd. I found a seat isolated from the rest of the crowd and sat down to rest my sore legs. I zoned out and my mind went back to the events that happened that night, the night my mother was killed.

It was about 11 at night, my mother was in the kitchen, drunk as usual. I could clearly hear every single move due to the non isolated tin walls of our old house. She was sitting there drinking like there's no tomorrow, I was trying to sleep but I just couldn't, I had so many things on my mind. As I was drifting off to sleep I suddenly jerked out of bed as I heard a big crashing sound followed by shattered glass. What could have possibly made that sound? My imagination began to wonder and think about the worst things that could have happen. This was definitely not the sound of my mom dropping her beer bottle on the floor. What if something really bad had happen? We lived in the middle of no where, no neighbors, only trees. I mean what could I do if I needed help? We had no phone and its not like we could afford one. 

My heart began to pound in my chest, I slowly made my way too my closed door and hesitantly opened it very slowly to prevent from making any noise. Without knowing what I was going to see on the other side of that door I peeked my head out of my door where I could easily see the kitchen without being seen, hidden in the dark. What I saw was not what I expected to see, in my kitchen stood two men over 6 foot tall dressed in black from head to toe. One was holding my mother by the neck and the other one held a knife firmly in his hand. My heart began to pound as loud as ever in my chest, I could barely hear anything they were saying. I began to shake violently, I slowly stepped back against the wall so I wouldn't  see anything. I let myself slide against the wall and unto the cold ground. I place my head on my knees, wrapped my arms around my legs and closed my eyes. I tried to get away from this moment, why was this happening? I thought those kind of things only happened in movies! I covered my ears trying to stop the horrible sound that was coming through my ears. My mother was screaming from the top of her lungs, begin for her life, for mercy. But then came the sound that I didn't want to hear. Silence. Dead silence. I heard footsteps fading, and then I saw two silhouettes pass outside of my window. I knew the moment I stepped out of my room I would see something that nobody wished to see. Its unimaginable the courage it took me to step out of that room. As I step in the kitchen my eyes focus on one thing, one thing only. The body of my mother lay on the cold wooden ground, surrounded in a pool of her own blood. I pinched myself, whishing to wake up from this bad dream. But it was all to real, soon enough I came face to face with reality. My mother was dead.


Ok so this is my first story ever! I would really really appreciate it if you could comment like it would mean so much to me, and if your too lazy you could just vote, it will be your good action of the day! I PROMISE TO UPDATE REALLY SOOON! Please don't give up on me this is just a start , I know I might have spelling mistake but just deal with me ok? :D AND YEA JUST PLEASE VOTE! xxxx

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