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When we reached the boys's dorm, Jay had to help Niki and Sunoo in getting Jake in. It was a struggle really, he weighs a ton and should we add the fact that he's practically clinging to me like a koala?

"Seriously, what did you guys do with him?", Niki asked as he grunted at Jake's weight and his eyes were set onto Jay.

"Not because I look like it, I'm already the one who did this to him", Jay said, looking so offended.

"But who else would do this to him?", Niki retorted back, making Sunoo rolled his eyes who was holding onto Jake's feet.

Jay answered straight away as though he had no reservation, "I'm helping you all, and this is what I get?"

I rolled my eyes and tried to figure out how I could get past them in the open doorway or how can I manage to remind them that we can wake the whole line of dorm rooms at this time of the night because of their megaphone-like voices.

Sunoo, seeing how irritated I was becoming, gave me an apologetic look before asking, "Can we just get on with it? If the others wake up, we're gonna hear complaints"

"Just tell him to shut up then!", Niki really did shout after being warned.

That's why sometimes I questioned myself on why I was friends to someone younger.

"And I supposed that was a way for you to be silent? Because you're doing a good job at it, Niki", I muttered sarcastically, unable to stop myself from glaring at the two of them except for Sunoo.

Once it dawn on them that this is a matter of placing Jake for something to lay at, the three of them entered the dorm slowly before they put him on the couch. I kneeled down to Jake's form while Sunoo runs to their room to get a blanket and I took off his shoes along his socks.

"Here - it was the thickest one we have", Sunoo said to me after handing me the blanket and pulling it up to Jake's neck.

Niki taking one look at Jay who was standing awkwardly from the doorway shook his head before saying, "I'll get back to sleep"

As he left us and Sunoo stayed in the kitchen to prepare coffee for Jake in case he wake up, I see Jay on his way out.

"Getting back on track", he said, clearing his throat once we were out by the gates, "Did you like me once, Y/N?"

My eyes widened slightly as the next words poured out of me without my control, "I liked yo-"

"Who?", he left me almost speechless because I don't know even know why he suddenly wants to find out.

"You. I liked you", I said before I could even attempt to stop it.

But there's something else missing at the moment. Shouldn't it be like feeling like your heart could burst out of your throat? Or what they liked us to believe that it'll be awkward?

At this time, nothing could explain why that confession felt just like saying the weather. I think Jay is thinking the same thing.

He looked searchingly down at me as if he couldn't understand me. But he made no move to get me to remain standing before him. If anything, he was far too confused and forgive me for this, hurt about what I said before I took my leave.

"The fact that you knew I liked you changed nothing", is what I said at first, "It didn't change the fact that all I wanted now is just to be your friend"

He moved out of my way silently and I walked back to the dorm, leaving an uncharacteristically silent Jay behind.

I entered the living room and see Jake is already hugging a pillow that Sunoo must have given to him. I chuckle to myself and went to help Sunoo in preparing my foam besides the couch.

"Okay, I need to sleep now. I have a morning class tommorow. Jake hyung is your burden now", Sunoo then says, sounding so sleepy as he headed for their bedroom.

When I lay down to my bed, the day's events knocked on my mind again as a whole. It didn't allow me to sleep as it reminded me on how I had sounded like a jerk to Jay and if not for him, how could I get to my bestfriend faster?

His door was always open for me whenever I needed an out from anyone else. And now that I think about it, wouldn't I just be like him if I keep hurting him?

I would be no better than my former bully.

And yet even when I felt Jake slids down from the couch to my side and him pulling me into his chest as he cuddled me, the thought about Jay kept me the whole night.

"Good morning, freeloaders!"

I groaned when I heard the familiar voice of Niki shouted from the top of his lungs but that's not what I'm worried about the most. I barely get a wink of sleep, so whatever this heavy thing was on my waist is stressing me out.

Upon opening my eyes, a hand on it came into view. I pushed it off gently and even if it was too light of a move, it still makes Jake stir up from his sleep.

He squinted his eyes open as they adjusted to the sunlight that was coming from the windows as Niki opens up the curtains. There's so many boarders now passing by, probably on their way to school.

Jake finally settled his eyes on my disheveled hair and let out a strangled gasp, "What the hell is that!?"

I rolled my eyes at his early plan to tease me, as if I would forget what did he make me feel after hearing he attended a party.

And then what? I found him wasted while my phone rings up all night because his mom keeps calling me to where he might be? Thankfully, she believes it when I said that Niki kept him late for helping them with assignments.

I was getting ready to help Sunoo around their kitchen when Jake stopped me by hugging my back to his chest and buried his head on my shoulder.

I could hear him whisper apologies to me and my heart clenched as he shouldn't even be doing this. What happened at the party was not his fault. I turned around on his arms and couldn't help but hug him back.

"I'm sorry", he whispered once again.

"Ssh, it's okay", I said, seeing there was nothing else to say.

"I'm sorry", he said, his voice cracking.

"Jake, I already told you-"

"I don't know why I didn't react quick enough or why I even go to that party and I got into a fight because I told Payton to back off for that reason...", he stopped and let me go to look at my face directly.

"Told her what?", I asked, my tone hardening as I glared at someone behind him.

For someone who wasn't still finish at his puberty, it was understable why Niki is now sitting behind him, and he now holds a bread in front of his mouth as he eavesdrop on us.

More like blatantly listening on us and making us his own kind of entertainment so early in the morning.

Jake thought I was glaring at him, so he shifted uncomfortably
as he sits up and made a sound of displeasure.

"Uhh.. that she should stop because I'm already commited to my bestfriend", he finally answered, not daring to look at me as he backed away.

I was about to answer him really, to give him my own opinion but someone doesn't give me that simple rights.

"Oh, and the next thing we knew, you'll be making our dorm your dating spot, right?!", Niki shouted, not recognizing how loud his voice can get.

Sunoo isn't even helping as he looks through their refrigerator, "I wish for that to be today. Our carton of milk is running out, so is my kombucha and my yogurt"

You know the feeling of those anime characters where their face broke and blackened over their embarassment from some friends?

That's how I'm feeling right now. I think Jake could say the same because from being nervous, he was smiling now as he tried not to throw hands.

To throw hands on some boy named Nishimura Riki.

Nishimura Riki whose giving hints for us to date, so then we could be the ones restocking their food supply.

Breaking The Bully ⚊ Enhypen JayWhere stories live. Discover now