✗ 50 ✗

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Never have I ever imagine that I would totally be in a confrontational situation in front of Jay's parents.

They've never once appeared back in our highschool in any kind of meetings or even to the time he graduated. From what I remember, I pity him that day for only having his Aunt climb him up the stage and he was looking sad in the whole ceremony.

Today before I could even react to it, Jay's mom came to a stop in front of him before she slapped him across the face. It was so strong that his head snapped to the side and he slowly turned it back to face her, his expression full of ashtonishment.

With my heart beating fast, I backed away slightly from the look of rage in the woman's face as I hold onto the back of Jay's shirt.

Before her son could get a word in, she began to rant, her eyes fully onto me.

"Why is that girl in your house? Better yet, what were you doing leaning on her shoulder?", she spat, pointing at me in disgust.

I start to gulp when their attention shifted to me and it made me uncomfortable, to the point of wanting to run out of there. Why did I even visit here if it's going to be like this?

"Jay, we expected better of you when we allowed you to move here in Seoul. Why are you disappointing us again?", his father finally spoke, taking the attention from me.

Jay was about to speak but got cut off by his mom which made me understand him.

"First, you practically adopted that Yang kid by living off of your allowance and now this", she gestured to me like I am no human with feelings, "What did she made you eat? She's probably opening her legs for anyone in your University"

"And that Jungwon should be out here this second. Who knows what that street kid will insert in your mind?", Jay's dad spat like the same boy he was talking about was the most foulest thing he had ever seen.

I could let them say things whatever they want about me but I couldn't stay quiet when Jay is looking so helpless as he tried to explain and her mom keeps on hitting him with her hands then as my eyes wanders up the stairs, I saw a glimpse of brown hair before disappearing.

Jungwon is listening all this time. I have to say something for the two of them.

"Excuse me Ma'am and Sir, please leave Jungwon out of it, he needs help and Jay was just being a good friend for him. If anything, you should be proud of him", I said, my voice strong.

I was surprised I didn't quiver in tears as Jay looked his shoulder to me and he was shaking his head for me to not continue. His mother walked towards us, shoving him in the side with her heels clacking in the floor

She stopped a few inches before me, her face seething with rage which was only an inches away from mine.

"Who told you, you can speak to me, slutty girl?", she spat, losing what must be her classy tone on me.

She then turned her back to her husband and asked, "Honey, why is this dirty girl speaking to me when I didn't ask her?"

"Because you were speaking and nobody is answering. It would not be polite of me if I didn't which is something you clearly don't have as a trait, ma'am", I answered with a shrug.

My heart clenched when Jay was only sitting there now, his head between his hands while his parents was between us, keeping us apart. Now I understand him, this why he wanted so bad to run from the place.

The thing Jungwon was trying to say to me last night. His parents was the worse you could ever have in the world.

"You know call girl don't really know when to shut up, of course, her job taught her well!", his mom said looking back at me with a satisfied smirk.

"And she's depending the kid because they come from the same status, that's why they're using our son to climb out from there!"

That was the last straw when she was saying all those mean things and Jay was just there, having no fight in him because it's his parents we're talking about.

"I won't stay quiet while you say those words about us! Do you really think just because you're rich, everyone is beneath you? Reality check, your attitude is as smelly as the septic tank", I spat back, not caring that I disrespected her.

For one thing, she deserves to hear it.

Just when I thought I won over her because of seeing her face shocked, all the joy in me was cut off when I heard a loud slap then felt the sting of it, the sound echoing in the whole living room.

I didn't even realize my head went to the side until I turned it back to look at her in shock. Her husband is looking satisfied as he watched quietly.

Not only was I embarassed and mad at the result but heartbroken as Jay was crying now to her from his seat.

"How dare you talk like that to me!", she screeched, which made it more obvious that she's like Ara.

They're the true bullies, is what I realized at this moment.

She was about to slap me again, but Jay rushed to my side and pulled me away from her before putting me behind him. His body was tense and I could see the rage in his eyes after seeing the redness in my cheeks.

"Get out of here now. I'll take care of them", I heard him whisper, the helplessness was screaming at the tone of his voice.

Tears finally prickled my eyes for it and I let it fall, not caring if I look like a mess on my way to the door. I needed to be out of here as soon as possible.

"You're lucky I don't even charge you for trespassing in here and for trying to use my son for your own needs", his dad shouted, stopping me from the open doorway and making the others standing outside the hall hear.

By saying the others, I mean, Jake and Heeseung who went to run after me before Jay's dad can push me down to the ground.

I turn around slowly and felt that my knees give way before the two boys caught me by each side as I watched his mom climbed up the stairs. It didn't take a guess for me to know who she will be targeting there.

"Mom, please, not him as well", Jay croaked out, his teary eyes begging for her to stop as he runs after her.

"If you'd followed us sooner, this wouldn't have happened!", his dad shouted, sounding so heartless in my ears.

I watched in pure agony as Jungwon was dragged later down the stairs and he is already holding a bag before like me, he was thrown out of the door along some of his shoes. As soon as he saw us, he was practically running to Heeseung who turns to hug and we all cried.

Especially when Jay tried to go after us, but his dad pulled harshly on his arm and his mom slammed the door on us, like it was her way of saying this is our goodbye to their son.

"Where would I leave now?", Jungwon cried out to us, breaking the silence as we walked in together at Heeseung's unit.

This is where Heeseung pointed to one of the bedroom near the kitchen, "You can occupy that. You don't have to worry being homeless"

"I'll split my allowance to give you money", Jake suggested, making Jungwon cry out again at their willingness

"About your school? Where is it?", I then turned to ask, trying to ignore there's a lot of noises from the other side of the wall.

"It's private, but now that this happens, I think I'll have to stop", Jungwon said, turning to lay in one of the couches.

Jake was quick to reply, "You don't have to. Y/N and I can enroll you to where our friends is schooling. They can be your friends as well"

As the two older guys started to make up plans on how Jungwon will continue after what happens today, I excused myself and followed the directions Heeseung gives me for the bathroom.

Once I was in there, I walked to the mirror above the sink and looked at my tear-stricken face. The big red mark on the side of my face was a reminder of how ugly Jay's life in the side of his parents.

It was so depressing to even think what they were planning for him now.

Breaking The Bully ⚊ Enhypen JayWhere stories live. Discover now