Chapter 5 || Our little get together

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When I'm sleeping in our bedroom, she always sleeps earlier. I can't seem to find a time to talk to her privately. She woiuld use stupid excuses and make herself busy to make sure I wasn't in the same room with her.

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Scarlett's / y/n's POV

Vicky has been ignoring me this past few weeks, It's weird.

I was wandering through the halls, hoping to find an idea to approach Victoria. I heard a cough from across the room, I turned around to see Julia leaning over the doorframe.

"What are you doing?" she asked me with a confused look.

I didn't reply. I put my focus on the floor and zoned out again. Julia approached me, and put her hands on my shoulder. "You know you can tell me anything, right? what's bothering you?" she asked with a soothing voice.

I looked at her with teary eyes, "Victoria has been ignoring me for almost a whole month now. I don't know what i did wrong. I tried ignoring it, but it's starting to get really hard for me. Should I come and ask her about it? What if she left? what if she screams at me? what if-" Julia interrupt me, "Okay-okay hush. Don't think too much about it. Maybe she wanted space."

"B-but-" I stuttered.

"Shhh.. Come here," She pulled me closer to her and hugged me tightly.

I definitely needed that. It was everything I need right now. She reassured me that everything was okay.

I calmed down and went to her office with her to hopefully ease my mind.

It was around 11PM, We were drinking the worry away. I feel like the whole world dissapeared. I just needed her and only her right now. The night went by really fast. I didn't quite remember what happened, what I blabber about, or anything really. I had no control on what i was talking about.

Julia's POV

I saw scarlett wander around the halls like she was worried about something. I approached her and asked what's wrong. Hoping she trust me enough to tell me. She was silent for a moment. I tried again, and it worked. She told me on and on about her worry about Victoria. I can tell she cared a lot about her deeply.

I decided to bring her to my office, and we drank. I drank a lot less than her. I knew she drink a lot to hopefully forget Victoria and her pain for a moment. There's just something about her that fascinates me.

I can't figure out what it was. We had some sort of spark I never felt with anyone before. I knew deep down we couldn't work because of how the society, and the age gap. I can't get her out of my head. It sort of addicting.

Not long after we drank, she started to open up to me about her past life before she came here, the Sanitarium, and how her and Victoria friendship grew. I felt bad about her, I just want to hold her, protect her from all the dangers and scare her monsters away.

I was falling for her. I never thought I'd say that since me and scarlett barely knew each other. It's only a few months since she came here, and here I am, falling for her.

I find the opportunity to talk to her about her feelings, She confessed she was interested in women and used to have feelings for Victoria.

I felt bitter knowing she used to like Victoria. I wanted her to like me and only me but as i said, we only knew each other for a short amount of time. She seemed to be extremely drunk. She blabbers about how she feels when she first met me, and how she was starting to like me.

I knew she was drunk, So, I went for it. I kissed her and kissed me back instantly. I knew she wouldn't remember this in the morning.

But then she started to open my blouse. I stopped her. I don't want to do anything with her without her consent. She was drunk, really drunk. I don't want to do anything to make her regret in the morning.

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