Chapter 11 || Regret

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I burst into her office without knocking. There I saw Julia drinking her life away like everyday.

"Whoa whoa- don't you know how to knock young lady?" Julia slurred.

"YOU- HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO HER?" I screamed with such anger.


Your POV

I heard bushes rustling because of the strong wind from left to right. I was taking small but sure steps, I don't know what i'm doing here honestly. Carolyn told me to get some fresh air to clear up my mind.

I wasn't exactly walking inside the forest, more like the sides of it near the road. I hear a vehicle from afar, the sound of the engines was getting closer and closer. I thought it's just gonna go pass by me, but instead, I heard the car went to a stop right beside me.

I glanced over at the driver, to find it was; Angelique.

"What are you doing here? walking alone?" She questioned worriedly.

I don't have the energy to even speak so instead, I just gave her a weak smile.

She seemed to noticed my exhausted expression, and invited me in for a ride around. I tried declining her offer but she insisted.

I took a deep breath as the car started moving, the feeling of the cold wind brushing my skin gave me some sort of comfort. 

I noticed Angelique was glancing up at me every now and then. We stopped infront of her workplace. She got out of the car and went to my side opening the door, and offering me a hand.

I hesitantly took her hand, as she lead me inside. We stopped infront of the door to what seems like her office. She took the keys from her pockets before inserting it.

"Wait inside, I need to go get something real quick. I'll be right with you in a minute," She said.

I nodded and made my way inside. I sat myself on the couch, taking in her office. It may looked a little boring but it has everything you needed for an office. A sofa, A table, Bookshelf, and more.

Before long, I heard the door opened. Angelique sat right beside me while holding something behind her back. She was smirking, like a pride smirk. She slowly took the item she was holding out to me. That's when I realized, she gave me a tub of ice cream with 2 spoons.

"You seemed pretty upset, so I figured some ice cream could help?" She spoke.

I smiled brightly at her thoughtfulness. I took the tub of ice cream from her and a spoon. As soon as the ice cream hit my tongue, I feel such relieve was being put off my body. I feel like my body melted.

After a few minutes of silence, "So, what happened? Why are you walking with tears stained cheeks?" She spoke up.

"just a rough few days."

Look, Angelique is a good friend but I don't want too many people to know about Julia and I.

I stayed with her for a couple of hours until it was getting very visibly late. Angelique dropped me off infront of the gate, "If you needed something, or someone to talk to.. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me, Okay?"

I gave her a warm smile before nodding and heading inside.

The house was awfully quiet. I tip-toed my way inside, hoping I wouldn't came across anyone. To my luck- it was Julia, OUT OF ANYONE I COULD'VE BUMPED INTO.

She had a very apologetic expression when she saw me. I tried walking pass by her, but only to be stopped by a hand grabbing my wrist.

I missed her touch, but I couldn't just easily forgive her for what she has done. I snatched my arm away from her.

"Please, just listen, I can explain everything," She murmured.

"What's there to explain, Dr.Hoffman?" I spoke trying to held my voice together.

She was silent, as if she knew deep down she was guilty. "A lot," She whispered.

I know I shouldn't forgive her easily, but seing her crying begging to explain, broke me.

I love her with my whole heart, it feels toxic but I can't help it. She was like drugs, so addicting. 

I took a shaky breath before nodding. She lead me into her office, yup. The same office where the incident happened.

We both sat on the sofa, but we still kept some distance between us. 

"Look- I know.. it looks crazy, I would've hated me too if I saw the person I was falling in love with, having sex with someone else," She started.

I stayed silent. "The reason why it happened, is because I was stressed. I took medications I shouldn't take because I was scared of falling in love, scared of being left alone, scared of losing you. That day, Barnabas just entered, and I wasn't being myself. I'm sorry if I hurt you, I never meant to do it, it was a dumb move of mine that I will regret for the rest of my life," She explained.

"I-I love you, I really really do. I was scared.. Nobody has ever made me feel like this before. I know it's not the perfect time to confess, but I know I wouldn't have the guts to say it another time," She continued.

I was shocked. "W-what?" I don't know how to react.

"I love you.. so much, Scarlett. It took me awhile to come to my senses, I'm utterly in love with you. I can't bear another day keeping all this feelings to myself, please give me a chance."

"But you barely know me," I said.

"Well- we can catch up, we can talk it out..?" She spoke, holding my hand in hers, "but I don't want to force you into anything, I'll give your space if you want."

My mind went blank, I don't know if I should trust her or not. it all seemed a bit too rushed. Her expression on the other hand, seemed sorry, pleading for my forgiveness, just pure regret  was plastered all over her face.

"Wait- come here real quick," I spoke, pulling her hand, bringing her face closer to me. We were inches apart by now, I was trying to get a hint of alcohol in her but didn't smell any of it. So she was definitely sober.

"Can I think about it..? I needed time to process everything," I spoke carefully.

She nodded. She pulled my body closer to her, tenderly embracing me. I desperately missed her touch, her hugs, her cuddles, her scent. I melted right into her

Before long, I felt my body feeling weaker and weaker by the passing minute. I was falling asleep in her arms. Soon enough, darkness filled my sight.



Okay- I had a hard time with the ideas of how this is gonna go- I might need to watch the dark shadows again so I know what I'm doing. If you got an idea where this should lead, please let me know.

Anyway- I hope you enjoy this, and don't forget to vote! <33

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