Chapter 10 || Carolyn

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(A/N: Please admire the photo i prepared- she's so adorable- no- this is supposed to be a sad chapter. Enjoy!)

I opened the door to my room to spot Victoria already asleep.

I didn't have the energy to shower or even change. I've been walking for hours.

As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was dead asleep.


"GoodMorning," I spoke.

I sat myself next to Victoria as usual. Julia and that man was no where to be seen.

I planned on ignoring Julia, for atleast a few days to clear up my mind before I decided to confront her about it. I don't want to accidently say something I wasn't supposed to say just because I was angry or frustrated.

I leaned to Victoria, "You're teaching David today right?" I whispered.

"Mhmm.. why?" She replied.

"Can I teach him today and for a few days maybe. I need to get myself busy," I questioned.

"Of course, but why so sudden? What's the reason?" She seemed intrigued.

"I just had a lot on my mind lately," I simply answered.

I know deep down she won't back out on that but considering we are on the dining table, she decided to drop the conversation.

I was playing with my breakfast, when Julia  joined the room, with sunglasses.

I wasn't planning to eat anyway, So i stood up and went to the kitchen to put my dish away before heading to the library. I wasn't interested to even make a simple eye contact with her right now.


"Oh? Where's Victoria?" David asked as he walked into the library.

"She's resting in the bedroom. I'm teaching you for a few days, I want to let her rest."

He nodded and sat beside me. "So- what do you want to learn today?" I asked.

He took a quick glance at the books i've prepared. "Can we learn something else? Or atleast other books?" He pleaded. 

I thought about it for a moment, "Sure."

He walked around the library, scanning the shelfs slowly. His eyes caught something interesting. "Can you help me get that?" He said pointing to a book that's located in the highest shelf.

Thank goodness I could reach it. I inspect the book for a minute, it was an old biology book. I haven't even seen it before. It was dusty aswell.

I read a lot of books in my life but I have never seen such books like this. I tried opening the book, to hopefully see the author or writer for the book, but nothing.

I don't mind and gave it a quick clean with my hand. It was quite heavy and big, so david might struggle bringing it.

I placed the book on the table, and it made a loud thud noise. Not to mention, the dust.

Both me and david was coughing at the sudden blow of dust that welcomed us in surprise.

After a few hours of going back and forth through the pages, I actually learned a lot more things than I imagined. There was stuff i've never even heard of before.

It was almost 2 PM and we are finishing our lessons for today. He was supposed to be done by 11 A.M but he was intrigued in the book and wanted some extra classes. Good for him, I actually wanted to keep myself busy.

David already left the library by now, and here I am cleaning the table. While cleaning, I didn't notice someone was standing by the doorway. I had a lot of stuff going through my mind.

The person tried clearing their throat to get my attention but no luck. I was finally done, and turned my head around to the door. My body jumped 2 feet in the air of the sudden surprise.

It was carolyn. 

"Oh my god- was that necessary? Can't you knock?" I asked still gasping for air.

"You had a problem with Julia huh?" She asked.

My eyes widen, "W-what? No." 

Yup, my lying is not the best at times.

"Oh spare me- I saw the way you two avoid each other this morning," She spoke dragging me to the sofa that's in the library.

She sat comfortably on the chair, inviting me to sit beside her. She put her legs on the sofa, curled up to her body. "Now- tell me what happened."

"Nothing happened," I spoke.

She gave me a glare as if she's shooting daggers at me, making me very much uncomfortable. It lasted for around 15 seconds of her continuously staring at me dead in the eyes, and me going back and forth contemplating if i should tell her or not. "Fine- What do you want to know?" I spoke in defeat.

"What happened with you and Julia?"

"I just stumbled upon her having a sexual intercourse with someone in her bed."

"Why do you care so much? I mean- she's still doing it in her room not in the living room or something?"

"You don't understand," I sigh as I rub my temple.


"I just thought there was something between us, I guess I was wrong," I mumbled.

"You like her don't you?" She asked with such empathy in her voice.

I stayed silent, I'm not even sure of my own feelings. Do I want her? yes. Do I need her? yes. Would I survive without her? No. But do I like her? a possibility.

"Oh poor you~" She cooed as she pulled my body to her. All of the feelings i've been holding since yesterday sudden burst out, resulting to me having a complete break down in carolyn's arms.

I stayed in that position for the next half an hour, or continuous crying. "Hush now- how about you go on a walk to clear your mind up a bit?"

I slowly nodded, and rose from the seat.

Carolyn's POV

Scarlett was literally balling her eyes out, as if she have been helding all those feelings deep inside. I always saw Scarlett as someone tough, and educated. I would never imagine she would have a complete break down infront of me. She was so vulnerable right now, all i wanted to do is just to choke Julia to death for causing such distraught in her life. 

One thing I do notice that she didn't mention is that, she haven't eaten anything. Possibly since she saw Julia.

I want to tell Julia about it and confront her about the whole thing, so I did what pops up in my mind.

I stood from my seat, walking to Julia's office. 

I burst into her office without knocking. There I saw Julia drinking her life away like everyday.

"Whoa whoa- don't you know how to knock young lady?" Julia slurred.

"YOU- HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO HER?" I screamed with such anger.


Sorry for the cliffhanger but I hope you still enjoy this chapter and don't forget to vote people <33

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