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Quirks were an amazing phenomenon when they showed up 200 years ago in the world. Anything you can think of and there is most likely a quirk that can do it. Quirks ranged from summoning fire to controlling the flow of air to even being able to talk to bugs. If you're lucky and developed a quirk fit for a hero deemed by society then you're treated like you're on a pedestal and better than everyone else. If your unlucky and have a quirk deemed villainous by others then the world will ostracize you and treat you like your a waste of space and a future villain in the making. Some people see others with 'villainous' quirks as a danger to society itself.

When Izuku Midoriya was born his parents were ecstatic."He's adorable"they yelled. He was born to a Husband and Wife named Hisashi and Inko. They loved their son when he was born,the couple would watch movies together and cuddle on the couch. Baby Izuku would always have an interest in the color red,crimson to be exact. Growing up if he could pick a color he would always pick red. When he would look back at his time as a baby he understood why it was his favorite.

The Midoriyas would start homeschooling Izuku for preschool because Inko was a teacher for younger kids.While she would teach Izuku at home, Hisashi would work at his office job. His job was pressuring him for awhile to relocate to America for a pay increase and a promotion but he wasn't certain if he wanted to uproot his familiar or not. When Izuku was 3 years old he found out about the profession of heroes and how they saved people. He screamed for joy whenever a hero was beating up villains on the news. It was his favorite past time besides studying. For his age Izuku was smarter than most other kids older than him and he used his intelligence to analyze other heroes quirks and how they worked when he watched them on the tv.Whenever he saw the heroes and villains get cut and loose blood he would lick his canines instinctually without even realizing it. He also noticed around this time that his canines were a little sharper then before but he didn't give it any mind he was to focused on what quirk he was going to get. He hoped it was like his favorite hero All Might.

On his 4th birthday his parents pushed open his bedroom door and yelled "Happy Birthday Izuku!"
When his parents screamed Izuku accidentally bit down on his tongue and it started bleeding surprising him and his parents. When he spit up blood Inko rushed him to the bathroom to wash out his mouth and that's when she saw his teeth. Izuku's two canines were sharper than the other teeth and sticking down more than the rest. Inko thought "Sharp canines usually symbolize blood quirks I hope he doesn't have a villainous one". While Inko was having a mental breakdown and Hisashi was on the phone Izuku thought "Why did my blood taste so good I should ask mommy" When he was about to ask he saw the look on her face and it was the face of someone scared and worrying. He decided to tell her later then he got excited again "MAYBE ITS A PART OF MY QUIRK!" he yelled in his mind. While examining his teeth in the mirror and seeing the cut on his tongue started healing he missed the discussion happening between his parents.

"What do we do Hisashi if he has a villainous quirk!" Inko whisper-yelled. "We can set up an appointment today at the quirk doctor to see what his quirk is and if it's an evil one we can go from there"Hisashi said while hugging his wife."I know exactly what to do if our son has that type of quirk" He thought

While Hisashi went to work Inko drove herself and Izuku to the Hospital. The Doctor took samples and went in the other room to figure out what the child's quirk is. Izuku's mind was rapidly thinking about every single possibility from strength enhancement to invisibility. Inko's mind however was a different story "Please Doctor don't give us bad news". They waited for the doctor to come back for around 10 minutes, while waiting Izuku thought back to the taste of his blood "My blood tasted good maybe I'll have a type of blood quirk, THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!" Little Izuku didn't know that wanting that type of quirk made him part of a small group of people in the world.

The Doctor came back looking pleased with himself. "I have good news Ma'am, your son has an amazing quirk" the Doctor said. "What do you mean Doctor"Inko pleaded. "Well it seems like your son has a combination of you and your husband's quirks with a little bit of changes" He said smiling. " You see your quirk is the ability to pull objects towards you and it's some kind of minor telekinesis quirk, Mr.Midoriya's quirk allows him to summon water out of his body and mouth, your two quirks combined to make something quite fascinating."

"Wow!my quirk sounds awesome!" Izuku thought. Inko started to get her hopes up so she asked the doctor what Izuku's quirk is. The Doctor took out his chart on a clipboard and said " Your child's quirk is Blood Manipulation"Inko tensed and frowned a little  which didn't go missed by the doctor. "Poor kid he's definitely going to face discrimination with his quirk even though it's amazing, hopefully the parents will come around".While that was happening Izuku had stars in his eyes thinking of his quirk and how it was related to blood."SO COOL!". The Doctor continued " So Izuku will be able to heal faster than other people passively with his blood doing all the work. He will also be able to control his blood outside of his body in the air like telekinesis but it only works on his blood" Izuku yelled " ISNT THAT AWESOME MOM!" He looked at his mother and she had the same kind of look on her face like when they were in the bathroom that morning. He was worried but then remembered that he had a question for the Doctor " Can I be a Hero with my quirk and save people" Izuku asked with a smile. The Doctor thought about it then said "Of course you can, with your quirk and some training you can be a great hero." Izuku was so happy that he had a big smile on his face. Inko on the other hand was worried about what she will do now that she knows about his quirk. They thanked the Doctor as they left the office of the man. "I hope that kid stays ok that mother looked really judgmental of his quirk."  While passing the waiting room Inko told Izuku to sit and wait while she calls his father. While waiting Izuku saw a girl his age across the room. She had blonde hair and yellow eyes that looked like cat pupils. They made eye contact and a second later they blushed then looked away. A couple seconds later Inko came back told Izuku they were leaving. The Green haired boy left while the blonde hair girl only had one thought on her mind while she blushed "Cute" .

When they got home Hisashi was not there yet so Inko told Izuku to go to his room. He looked in the corner of his room and saw an old guitar that he started to learn a month ago but then went to his computer. He started it up to watch his favorite video. The All Might Debut video started and Izuku watched with the doctor's words repeating in his head. "I can become a hero like you All Might"

When Hisashi got home he was not happy about the phone call he received from Inko this morning. "I guess we'll have to go with the plan I thought about this morning" He thought. He found his wife and started discussing the plan with her. She was reluctant but thought about the discrimination they would receive if they didn't do it. So Hisashi took out his phone and called his boss "Hey sir I'll take you up on the offer of moving to America".

The next couple of days flew by for Izuku. He was so excited about his quirk and how to train it, also about learning the guitar that he didn't even realize what his parents were planning to do and how they were looking at him. During these days Izuku did notice some kind of craving but he couldn't put his finger on what it was that he wanted.

A week passed and his Mom came up to him and told him that they had to go somewhere for a little bit. Izuku not knowing any better and trusting his parents went with her into the car. He noticed she had a sad look on her face but there was also determination in her eyes so he asked what was wrong. She said " Nothings wrong Izuku we just have a lot to do today with the house." Izuku asked with stars in his eyes about what it was but before he could get an answer they arrived at the destination. Inko got out of the car and said " Can you help me with these bags Izuku?" Izuku got out and she put a filled soft back pack on his shoulders and a long briefcase looking bag in his arm. Inko then hugged him one last time and told him to go into the building and hand them this envelope. He turned around without a care in the world and walked towards the door and opened them. While he was entering Inko got in the drivers seat and drove home to her husband away from the fading orphanage in the rear view mirror.

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