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Izuku woke up the next morning to the sound of the Headmaster of the Orphanage knocking on his door to wake up. "Wake up brat you have to do your introduction to the rest of the house" the headmaster yelled through the door. "Why is he so grumpy?" Izuku thought innocently. To start the day he got out of his bed in his new room and changed clothes and tried to fix his hair in the mirror to make a good first impression. When Izuku opened the door he was met with a chubby looking man with the top part of his head bald and a scruffy beard on his chin. The man looked at Izuku with disgust on his face while Izuku was confused on who the man was. The man said "I'm the Headmaster of this place so you better show some respect brat and hurry up when I call you." Izuku understood now and quickly apologized and followed after the man to the main room where all the others were. He heard whispers when he was approaching the door with the headmaster. The whispers were mostly made up of "why are we here?" or "Are we getting someone new here?". When the headmaster open the door everyone quieted down almost instantly. Izuku looked around the room and made eye contact with some of the kids who looked curious to see him. Some where younger,some were older, and about one or two were the same age as him. The Headmaster told him to introduce himself and told him afterwards to go to his office to talk about the rules of the orphanage. He also added " Don't use your last name anymore your parents don't want you using it so you'll just have to only use your first name". That saddened Izuku a lot not only abandoned by his parents but they took back the family last name. He took a few seconds to fix himself to be able to speak to the other kids in the room and started.

"Hi my name is Izuku and I'm 4 years old and when I grow up I want to be a hero!" He got mixed reactions to his introduction,some supportive and others not believing in him to be able to. One kid older than Izuku by a few years ask him a question "If you think you can be a hero what's your quirk?" The other kids quieted down to hear his response and Izuku smiled and exclaimed "Blood Manipulation!" His smile faded when he was met with dead silence and was shocked to see the mixture of facial expressions on the other's faces. Some kids that were younger and the same age had looks of fear on their faces while the kids that were older than him were laughing or trying to hide their laughs in their hands and arms. One kid yelled in between laughs "You can't be a hero-haha-with a villainous quirk!". Another kid said izuku's quirk is probably dangerous and should be kept away from others. This made Izuku even more sad about his new life and walked away from the room with tears going down his eyes. He went to the bathroom to wash his face of tears before heading to the headmaster's office.

When Izuku reached the headmaster's office his face was clean of tears and his clothes were fixed from all the crying he did. He knocked on the door and heard a faint "Enter". He slowly opened the big wooden door and closed it behind him and walked into the center of the room. The headmaster was sitting behind his desk using his computer fixing files of all the occupants of the orphanage.  A couple of minutes pass until he got up out of his chair and went in front of Izuku with a piece of paper in his hand. The bald man said "I have to make sure all your information is correct on your files so the government knows about you and we have the correct files in our record room."
Izuku said ok and the man started asking questions. "What is your name?" "Izuku Mido-" Izuku started but was cut of by a slap to the face. Izuku stood there shocked for a second, unmoving because he was never hit before and was confused why he was. The man said in a stern voice "I told you that's not your last name anymore,your parents took it back." Izuku was still shocked from the hit but he still heard the chubby man's words "Also I told you that and you disobeyed a direct order." Izuku was about to apologize but before he could the man asked more questions. The headmaster got to the question of Izuku's quirk. "Explain your quirk in simple terms" Izuku explained that he had minor regeneration and could float his blood outside his body with his mind and told him the drawbacks. The man sat there with a look of disgust  and spoke his mind "What a disgusting quirk". Izuku was about to say how amazing it was but the man's glare kept his mouth shut. The Headmaster then explained that Izuku is on a tight leash and should not cause any problems or he will have to hand out punishments to him while looking pleased with himself that he put the monster in his place. "Alright brat that's everything so you can leave but if you tell anyone about your punishment you'll get more,do you understand" the man said with an angry face. Izuku widened his eyes and nodded quickly then left the room.

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