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Avery waited for Drew for a few minutes before he knocked on the door. She opened it with a wide smile as she walked outside and closed the door, bring out her keys to lock it.

"Hey" Drew greeted as Avery adjusted the purse on her shoulder.

"Hi, so where do you want to go?" Avery asked.

"No clue, let's just walk" Drew said, walking out onto the street and involuntarily taking Avery's hand in his.

Avery didn't comment, only holding her hand tighter around Drew's. She smiled lightly as Drew gave her a small glance, hinting a smile. She felt giddy inside, playing it cool on the outside like she wasn't holding the hand of the person she was in love with.

So they walked aimlessly, having no clue where they were going. They simply just existed as they walked in a sweet silence, groveling in the way their hands fit molded together perfectly and how they felt at peace with one another. There was nothing anyone could do to stop the smile from widening on her face as she felt the wind blow in her air and the heat of the sun on her tanned skin.

"Do you remember when we first met?" Drew asked all of a sudden, an intrigued look from Avery as he spoke.

"I don't know, was it during your audition?" Avery asked.

Drew shook his head slowly, "No."

"Really?" Avery asked, partially shocked and slightly embarrassed that she didn't remember when they had first met, "Then tell me, when?"

"I had already been casted the role for Rafe" Drew started, "And JD had been casted for Pope, Madison for Kiara. We were all getting to know each other while other auditions were taking place, you know asking each other questions playing stupid games."

Avery nodded, vividly remembering. She had been helping Jonas with all the auditions as Madison, Drew, and JD ran around the set like wild children, playing a game of tag. She remembered them playing a game of football as Rudy read a chemistry read with Madelyn for the role of John B. Although, Avery didn't really see him as a John B.

"And then?"

"And then we started tossing a football around, and every time we caught it, we would have to say something about ourselves so that everyone could get to know each other" Drew said and Avery chuckled. That was definitely an interesting way to get to know one another. "So Madison was throwing the football to JD and JD didn't catch it, he missed it—"

"And it hit me" Avery finished, everything suddenly coming back to her.

one year ago

Avery had heard the joyous laughter of the cast members bonding as a football hit her in the back, and pretty hard as well. She turned around, rubbing her sore back as she picked up the brown football looking around.

"Sorry!" Madison immediately said. "I'm so sorry."

Avery only chuckled, brushing it off. "It's alright, not even a scratch."

"The ball has chosen" Drew chimed in, a smile on his face as he walked over to the two girls chatting.

"What?" Avery immediately questioned, a laugh bubbling up from her as she looked at the boy in confusion. She knew who he was from some of his acting jobs like in The Hate U Give and more. Also because of the fact that she watched him audition, but she had never spoken to him until now.

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