Chapter 13: !Surprise!

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Getting close to the end sorry so short but comment if you want another continueing the story


Hazels P.O.V

It has been a day and Ash won't pick up the damn phone. Finally she texts me saying meet me at the school so my grandma drove me there and she was waiting at the school door, I got in her car and asked where are we going and why wouldn't you pick up your phone! She said, because and we pulled over at her house she lived in a mansion and then she pulls out a bag, my bag and it had all my clothes in it and all my sleeping stuff, then she said your sleeping over, with a huge grin on her face but what about the concert tit is in an hour she said, I know we are going to it. I said well I don't have my makeup or my dress and my shoes she holds up another bag and I screamed and gave her a hug with the biggest smile on my face. We ran inside and started ( skips getting ready and car ride. When we got to the concert these guards took us to the VIP part we were the only ones in the VIP part and then I saw Jake. I looked over at Ash and she fake gagged I giggled, the concert started and they had an opening then I 5sos came out everyone screamed.

Calums P.O.V

We had sung a few songs and then Ashton's drum broke so we had to stop. To make up the time we called some people up Luke chose Ash, I chose Hazel she rolled her eyes right when it happened, her other friend was picked by Ashton ( Kiandra ) and Michael picked Jake to help him sing, I thought Jake would be bad at singing but he was great. We asked for their names and they said them into the microphone and then flowers and chocolates were brought out with a cake ( last song, the drums weren't broken ) with Hazels face. We sang her happy birthday, she made a wish ( wish: I wish that Calum kissed me). Then I ran up to her picked her up like they do after a wedding and ran off the stage. I took her to the VIP section before anyone else got there and said, from the moment I saw you I knew we had to be together, so right now I'm asking if you could make that happen.

Hazels P.O.V

Did he just ask me out, I said in my head what do I say. I didn't want to sound desperate or like I didn't care so I went with yes I would love to. Then he pulls me in and we kissed, I felt a tingling and a spark I had never felt it before with boyfriends I've had. This was turning out to be the best birthday ever! Then everyone came in when we were kissing and Ashton comes up to us and says, ohhhhh the little love birds, with a girly voice then gave a little giggle we Immediately pulled away from each other blushing like crazy, then Calum grabbed my hand and I smirked a bit. After the VIP signing and pictures Calum took me into the dressing room and explained everything. It turns out that it was all jakes idea and they asked Ash if she would help that was why they ditched me.

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