Chapter 3: Waking up

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Waking up

Hazels P.O.V

I'm awake and they are all passed out it is 12:00am,  I'm so tired I can't fall asleep and I just can't forget it, but I'm in love with Calum he is the cutest, Ash loves Luke, Kiandra loves Ashton and Clara loves Michael. They are all pretty cute and I can't wait till I get to meet them, it's on my birthday too. I couldn't fall asleep so I went downstairs and made a warm bottle of milk, walked out side and gave it to Cocoa. I ended up falling asleep there.

Ashs P.O.V

When i woke up Hazel was nowhere to be seen I searched the whole house nothing, so I woke all the girls up and we made a search party. We found Hazel after a 30 minute search, when we found her she was asleep on a stool holding a sleeping calf. Cocoa I think, we took Cocoa out if her arms and woke her up, she fell asleep in  her farm clothes and slept well, at least that is what she said. I can't even fall asleep on a couch.

Hazel ended up giving another bottle to Cocoa, we sat down inside and ate bacon and eggs, my favorite. I hadn't been horse back riding before,so it was gonna be the best day ever today. She had 4 horses, Cody, Coffee Crisp, Wizard, Blossom was the only girl and i was gonna be riding her. After breakfast, we got dressed and headed towards the barn. I got to saddle up Blossom and take her for a walk. When i got on her it felt like I was sitting on a cloud, well kinda. We went for a run in the valley, and just trotted back to the barn. The others were way behind me, so I went for another lap.

Hazels P.O.V

I could tell Ash was having a great time, she lived on country land but it wasn't big anough for farm animals. Today was Sunday So school was starting tomorrow, we all met each other in grade 1 and have been friends since then. All of the sudden Clara stops Coffee Crisp, so Kiandra and I stop, asked what was wrong. Then Ash saw and came over with Blossom, we all stood there just staring waiting for her to answer.

Claras P.O.V

I was trying to tell them what I needed to say but it wouldn't come out, I kept stuttering ,but I just couldn't get it out, then all of the sudden I said ................

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