The Fall of Shiganshina

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"Master!' Ryuzaki cried out as he clings into me "The titans have invaded this town! I-i don't know where Eren and- and Mikasa and Armin is" 

"it's ok shh.. it's ok. Let's find them together okay?" i comforted him, picking him up as i asked "do you know where Eren house is?" he nods and point at the direction of Eren's house. We weren't that far from it so i ran as fast as i could.

By the time we arrive we saw Eren's mother stuck under a boulder "go with them but don't tell them i'm here okay?" i whispered, Ryuzaki nods and ran towards Eren to which Eren immediately plead for him to help save his mother. 

Hannes came declaiming that he was gonna kill the titan but froze in fear when he saw the titan face, he did as Carla said for the supposedly last time. He take Mikasa, Eren and Ryuzaki away from her so that the titan couldn't eat them. 

Unbeknown to Eren, Hannes, and Mikasa, i stop time the moment Carla said "Thank you" 

Carla looks confused as time stop completely, i walk in front of her and lift the boulder using my mana "W-what? H-how did you-" i sushed and carry her bridal style, teleporting us out of there not before undoing the time stop spell and leaving an illusion to make it seem like Carla is actually dead. 

I sat her on my sofa and took of my hood "are you alright?"

"u-um yes thank you! B-but what about Eren, Mikasa, and Ryuzaki?!" she frantically asked 

"They're going to be fine. Since others assume you are dead you must remain that way. you'll be staying here with me and by no under circumstance that you are to leave this forest" i monotonously said, she looks even more confused by what i had just said.


"I'm sorry but you won't be able to meet Eren for the next couple of few years. There's something in the future that only you and i can stop him" I explained sighing and gave her a sad smile

she quivered and tears begin to fall of her cheeks "Alright but.. can i at least know how he's doing every week?" 

"yes of course" i nodded and gave her an orb that's the size of her hand "with this you'll be able to see Eren whenever you want, just... not physically. Don't worry, i'll do my best to take care of him" 

She took a deep breath and nod "okay, thank you so much" she sniffed "Can i.. ask? What you did earlier... How did you do that?" 

"ah... that's a story for another time. if i told you too many things right now, i'm scared that you might be overwhelmed" i sheepishly smiled 

"Alright, i understand. Thank you again" She lay down on the couch as drowsiness begin to take effect on her. I put a blanket over her and teleport back to check on Ryuzaki, Eren, and Mikasa.

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