Twenty Four

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She stood up from her old bed, flushed, and cleared her throat. “Perhaps we're just not meant to... you know, maybe you and I was never-”

“We are,” Jax said, watching her. “And I will prove it to you.”

Tell him! Tell him! She knew she should. By the way, I'm not actually seeing Dillon. I lied. Didn't sleep with him, either.

“How do you plan on doing that?”

“Well, the rose was my first try – that plummeted. But, don't worry, I've got more tricks up my sleeve. If you're really into this Dillon guy, then they won't affect you, but I have a feeling they just might.”

Marlow hesitated. He was so confusing. “Listen, Jax, I'm really not into games.”

“Neither am I. What did I say to make you think this was a game to me?”

She exhaled a deep breath, frustrated. “It feels like we're playing chase.”


“Yes, chase. I kissed you, you didn't want me. Now, that I'm back from Hawaii, you've so suddenly changed your mind?”

Jax didn't move his gaze from her eyes. “You underestimate the power of your kisses, Marls. The second you walked out of my door I had changed my mind.”

“But you...” she shook her head, baffled. “You didn't come after me, Jax. How was I to know? As far as I was concerned, you were... are... still in love with Natalie.”

“I've done a lot of stupid shit, but letting you walk away from me tops them all, Marlow.”

“We all make mistakes, Jax,” she cleared her throat, suddenly feeling tears form. “Let's just forget about it, please?”

“I can't, Marls. And I won't. Not until you give me a chance.”

“A chance to do what, Jax?

“Take me back,” he said, and laughed lightly when she raised her eyebrows. “As your personal trainer, I mean. I know the marathon is 2 days but I really want to be by your side.”

Marlow's heart was thudding in her chest at the sweet words he spoke. But she knew that her feelings for him needed to be discarded. She didn't need to be worrying about what they were when she had the marathon in 2 days, and especially today, of all days, her Father's day.

“Be by my side to support me, Jax, or be my side to help strengthen my ankle? I've done everything, you know. All the exercises.”

“Of course I want that, I care about you. The last thing I want is for something to go wrong.”

“Go wrong?” Marlow stood up from her old bed with a tired laugh. “You're right, of course something will go wrong, Jax, but it will be my fault, not yours, so don't threat about it.”

“Marls, I-”

“I'm going downstairs to spend the rest of the night with my family. It's my Father's night, and if I'm going to spend it in tears, it won't be over you.”

When she left the bedroom, Jax exhaled a deep breath and fell back on the bed.

“You always say the wrong shit around her, don't you?”

Jax glanced towards the door and saw Ty stood in the frame.

“It appears so,” Jax grumbled. “Man, she just... the feelings I have for her, they make me think, Ty. I think about my future and all I see is her... it's scaring the shit out of me.”

“Tell her that,” Ty suggested. “I know she's scared, too. She doesn't want to get hurt.”

Yeah, Jax knew that, because he was trying his damn hardest not to hurt her. He just needed to figure her out. Needed to know if they were on the same page. If their feelings for each other were on the same level.

“This Dillon guy she's seeing...” Jax paused, “do you know if it's serious?”

Ty shook his head, clueless. “If it was, I would have met him by now. You have an advantage, Jax. This Dillon guy, he's wherever. You're here.”

“She doesn't want me here, though. Did you see the look on her face when I walked in the living room? Even more so, when I gave her the rose?”

Ty laughed. “Yeah, it was a pretty hard to miss. But that's just Marlow fronting for whatever emotions are going on up in that crazy head of hers. And, about the rose, I'm not sure what to suggest.”

Jax sat up and gave a short, frustrated sigh. “This is gonna sound like we're back in college, but I think I've lost my charm.”

“Jax Ferro, no charm? Please, you have my Mum charmed, and she's in her 40's.”

He grinned at that. Dana did love him. But his grin soon deflated, because his thoughts travelled back to Marlow and how he desperately wanted her forgiveness, wanted her love.

“I'm going to be there at the finish line,” Jax told him.

“Good. She'll need you. It breaks my heart seeing her so confident about this, about her ankle playing up, and I know she'll make it, but when she crosses that finish line, Jax, she's going to need a pair of arms to fall into. It sure ain't going to be mine or our Mothers.”

Jax pushed for a small nod. “It's going to be mine. I will make sure of it.”

Ty patted Jax on the shoulder. “Now, get your ass back downstairs. The Chinese food is almost here.”

Laughing, Jax stood up from the bed, ready to follow Ty downstairs.

“Oh, and Jax,” Ty paused slightly, “one more thing, don't tell Marlow what she can and can't eat. She really doesn't like it.”

Jax stifled his laughter. “Noted.” Yeah, he knew that.

This story is so close to its finish :( The final chapter will be the longest chapter yet, of course - i've been so busy and stressed lately so I apologise the chapters are not up to scratch - so look foward to it, as I am, very much. :)

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