Twenty Five

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Marlow felt nervous all the time. She felt nervous when she had to get money from the cash point, when she paid with her card and when she drove along motorways. But those nerves, they were expected. The nerves that jumped around in Marlow's stomach as she stood next to Ty and her Mother, stretching, were abnormal. It felt like her stomach was going to concave on itself and last night's gorge of pasta and eggs and practically all the protein and carbohydrates she could get her hands on, would take a re-visit and come back up for all the other runners to see.

She wore black shorts and a black vest top, her running number on the back, and the most supportive pair of trainers she could find on her feet. She had, on her own (of course), so no one would know but herself, gone into the store and asked one of the staff about support trainers, about the effectiveness. The woman she had spoken to helped her find the most beneficial pair, and as she stood in them that Friday morning at 9am, she felt comfortable, despite her nerves, because she knew her ankle would be all right.

“Are you sure you don't want to wear your jacket?” Dana asked, more than just a hint of panic in her voice. “I know it's the first of August and all, and the sun is out, but it's still quite cold.”

Marlow looked at Ty and they both shared a quiet laugh. “I'm sure, Mum. Once I start running I will be fine.”

“Oh, stop looking at me like I'm crazy, you two. I'm just worried, that's all.”

“I know,” Marlow forced a smile. She expected her Mother to be concerned, she appreciated it, but it wasn't what she wanted to hear at the moment in time.


That, was what she wanted to hear.

With a turn to the left, she saw Kira running towards her. Yesterday, Marlow met with Kira for lunch at some cafe in the top of town. Then, she had told Marlow she would be there to wish her good luck, and at the end to congratulate her. She had kept her promise.

“How nervous are you?” Kira asked, curiosity getting the best of her.

“I'm not nervous. Why do you all keep asking me if I'm nervous?” Marlow took another huge gulp from her water bottle. And then another. “Alright, maybe on like a scale of 10, I'm about an 8.”

Kira laughed. “You're bound to be nervous, though. I'm sure everyone else here is feeling the same as you right now. When does it start?”

“Ten minutes,” Ty answered with a glance at his watch. “She'll need to start making her way over to the starting line in a few. Oh, and good morning to you too, baby.”

“We saw each other before you left,” Kira rolled her eyes, laughing. “Can't stand being away from me, huh?” Then, Ty leaned down and gave her a long kiss.

“Is he coming?” Kira asked Marlow after some silence.

All eyes fell on her.

“Is who coming?”

And all of them rolled their eyes.

“Jax. Didn't he say he would be here?”

“He might be running late,” Dana suggested. “There's a lot of traffic.”

Marlow gulped down the lump in her throat, because she had a feeling he wouldn't show. And, after last night, Marlow didn't know what she was expecting. Things had changed between them last night.

Marlow cursed loudly. Who the hell was at her door at this time of night? She had only seconds ago jumped out of the bath when the door rang, so wrapped a towel around her body and rushed towards the door. She didn't take it off lock completely, and opened the door a smidge.

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