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Marlow tore her eyes away from the mirror. “Well, this is going in the no pile.”

“Why?” Kira asked. “Look at your yes pile, Marlow. Two black tank tops and a pair of black shorts. What is your problem with colour? Pinks and yellows are so fun to wear during workouts!”

Marlow threw the pair of bright orange shorts into the no pile. “It's just not my thing,” she explained. “I prefer neutral colours, you know?”

“I really don't understand. At least get the pink bra and the yellow shorts?”


“And the grey leggings,” Kira added. “They made your ass look real perky, and when your squatting with Jax Ferro that's your number one motive.”

Marlow didn't like the colour that her cheeks turned. “I knew I shouldn't have said anything.”

But Kira just grinned. “I'm so excited for you. It's like those dirty books I read – you know, where your sessions become torture because you're both trying so hard to keep your hands off each other.”

“You're delusional.”

“Maybe,” Kira laughed. “C'mon, the man is gorgeous. If I were in your shoes I'd be jumping at the chance to work with him and see him sweat. Oh, Marlow, what if he takes his top off?”

“I'll happily tell him to put it back on.”

“How, with all the drool that will be sleeping from your mouth?”

Marlow grabbed the grey leggings. “I'm buying these because I need them.”

“And because you want to seduce Jax.”

“Keep it down, will you?” Marlow hissed. “We're not the only people in these changing rooms.”

“Oh, nonsense, they're all too busy to listen in.”

“I've been listening,” a voice from the changing room next door said. “And personally I think you should go for it. If that Jax is as gorgeous as you say, seduce the hell out of him and have some fun.”

Kira's eyes lit up. “Thank you...”

“Jamie.” Their curtain opened and a short brunette popped her head round. “Get a nice bikini, too. I had a personal trainer once and he tended to take me swimming at least four times a week.”

“That's perfect!” Kira cried. “Once he sees you in a bikini, he'll be like putty in your hands.”

Marlow shuddered at the thought. The whole point of agreeing to let him train her was so that she could wear a bikini on her vacation to Hawaii and turn men into a handful of putty. That power seemed all to great, and all too far fetched to happen during the short amount of time that Jax had with her.

“I ended up snogging him, I think,” Jamie admitted. “Oh, yes. He took me out to a bar as a way of ending our contract. I slept with him afterwards.”

Marlow cleared her throat. “Well, that won't be happening.”

But then Marlow found herself sat next to him in the living with Ty and Kira on the opposite sofa and all she could think about was how hard and toned his chest was, how it looked underneath his shirt and felt against her fingertips. Such sinful thoughts to have at 7pm on a Saturday evening with their chinese food on its way and her brother sat only across from her. If Ty knew what thoughts were pacing through her confused little mind, he'd grab Jax by the perfectly combed hairs on his head and throw him outside onto the road with no cautiousness of the traffic. And Kira, a different story completely, because she'd cheer and take off with her laptop to write the beginning of her novel. Chapter One, dirty thoughts at tea time.

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