Chapter 10 Kings Life Threatened

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I hurry to the middle of the room but not very fast, since I was weak and dizzy. I place my hands on the crystals more so to steady myself then anything.

'I am so hungy and thirsty.' I think.

I look around and see everyone moving sleeply as if awakening. And then a scream.

"How could this happen!" The male voice screams.

'You won't win.' I hear Ryan say faintly.

'Curse you, what did you do? Once your trapped in that lock your dead! I will destroy you!' The male voice says.

"Ryan!" I scream with horrer as I realize these voices where no joke.

Every head in the room turned to me and I look around wildly for him but can't see him any where. A man walks up behind me and touchs my arm making me jump.

"Are you alright?" He asks.

I have never seen him before, he was tall, with white hair mixed in his blond, and had warm gentle eyes. He looks around when I don't answer to see everyone getting up and some fall from starvation.

"What happened?" He whispers as if to himself.

"Ryan..." I say as tears once more flow.

I felt someones arms wrap around me and thinking them Ryans I turn quickly only to find it was Mom.

"Mom, how did you get here? Whats going on? Ryans in danger!" I say.

"Karen?" The strange man asks.

Mom looks up at the strange man, she looks three shades whiter and says.

"Luke." She whispers, mesmerized by him.

Thats all I needed to know before turning to look at him.

"Dad?" I ask.

He looks at me with wide eyes.

"Cassy?" He asks.

"Huh?" I say baffled and second guessing myself.

He comes forward quickly and pulls me into a hug that maybe if he wasn't a complete stranger wouldn't have been so weird.

"Luke... what is going on? Why is everyone here? Wait, I remember, its Jareds son... Luke he kidnapped me, I don't know what he is after..." She says.

"Wait, Mom it is Ryan, he is in danger we can't just sit here!" I say not hearing her.

She looks at me sadly and says.

"Carlen thats who I am talking about, he has done this to all of us." She replys.

"It is not like that, it is the lock, I don't understand it.... he is being replaced by someone and they are doing all this, it is not Ryan! The necklace told me!" I say.

She looks at me with concern and so does everyone else.

"Carlen I know a lot has happened and it may be hard to except the truth but... well let us leave before he comes back, I don't know what he is capable of." She says.

Then she looks at the strange man and back at me.

"Carlen this is your Father and... well interductions later I guess, we are in a hurry." She says and quickly grabs my arm pulling me after her.

'They don't belive me... why not?' I wonder.

'Very few know how the crystal cave works with the lock and necklace... Carlen be careful.' The female voice says.

'But... Ryan, he could die.' I think.

'We won't let that happen, just go along with everyone else for now.' She says.

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