Puppets attack

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I growled angrily as me and everyone including other guilds watched black mask's broadcast. Must she hurt Lucy to get to salamander. Well, her logic does seems right. Salamander shows up when there's trouble. Then men in armor were chasing and attacking people. They were about hundred in numbers.

"We have to help those people!" The old man said. I rolled my eyes. "Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt if I help humans. Well, I'm doing this for Lucy" other guilds including ours started fighting them.

"Chaos dragon cannon!" I shot a chaos ball at twenty enemies, sending them flying. I punched one on the face followed by a kick in the stomach. "Chaos dragon wing attack!" I chanted as I sent few of them flying.

Black marking appeared on the right side of Gray's body and his head slicked back on its own. "Ice devil cold exaclibur!" He chanted, swinging his sword in an upward diagonal formation. The enemies got stuck in a column of ice. The column exploded and they were dispatched, laying unconscious on the ground.

"Water cane!" Juvia exclaimed as she forms the water into a whip and slashed few of the enemies.

"Iron dragon sword!" Gajeel exclaimed as he knocked down three enemies at once. "Iron dragon roar!" He exclaimed as iron came out his mouth and hit a couple of enemies.

"Solid script: shine!" Levy chanted as she motioned her hand. a bright light appeared and blinded the enemies. "Solid script: fire!" She yelled as she burnt the enemies.

"Hurry salamander, people are dying. Hahahahah" black mask laughed evilly on the vision lacrima. "She's annoying!"

"Dance, my blades!" Erza requip around fifty swords and charges towards the enemies, hitting them. "Tenrin: scattered petals!" She sliced them with two swords in her hands, then attack again with her swords that hovered behind her in circle. The enemies yelled in pain as they get attacked.

Sting and Rogue came behind me and used their white and shadow dragon roars to take down a couple of enemies each. They looked at me and nodded and they left to fight the others. "I never said I needed your help"

"Poison dragon scales!" Cobra came out of nowhere and used swings him arm, generating a very large number of scale shaped masses of poison shooting at ten enemies. Kinana knocked one of them down as he was trying to sneak attack Cobra. "Where did they come from?"

"Regulus impact!" Loke also came out of nowhere and punched one of the enemies.

"Blood vampire scream!" That Sora guy used his breath attack on ten people. Happy was throwing stones on the enemies when one of them tries to attack him.

"Look out Happy! Ice devil lance!" Gray exclaimed as he shot the man with his magic. He goes over to him. "You okay?" He asked. Happy didn't reply, he just looked away with a frown. "Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. I understand you and chaos were trying to protect Lucy" Gray said.

Happy looked at him before he spoke. "Aye! I forgive you. I'm sorry for yelling at you too" he said cheerfully. Gray smiled at him.

"Chaos" Cobra came to me. "Those things are puppets. I have a feeling the puppeteer is here"

"I agree" Loke said as Sora was with him.

I growled at him. "Aren't you supposed be with the woman?!"

"Don't worry,  she'll be fine" Loke grinned. I growled again. What if she's hurt? I started walking back to check on Lucy.

"Natsu, where are you going?" Erza asked. I didn't answer.

"Going to check on Lucy I guess" Gray answered.

"Wherever Gray-sama goes, Juvia goes too!" Juvia exclaimed as she followed Gray.

"We should probably follow him. I want to check on Lisanna as well" Mira said and Elfman nodded. While the other wizards were talking and rounding up the puppets, me, Happy, Gray, Erza, Juvia, Cobra, Sora, Laxus, Mira, Elfman Loke and even master followed me. I'm surprised Laxus's following us. I'm guessing it's because of Mira. As we were passing a quiet street, I got a scent and followed it to find Lisanna laying on the ground with Carla and the first master beside her.

"Lisanna!" Mira and Elfman yelled as they ran to her.

"First master and I found her here. She was attacked" Carla explained.

Lisanna slowly opened her eyes and saw them. "Help....Wendy" she said weakly.

"What?! Is Wendy in danger?!" Carla asked. My eyes widened. I ran as fast as I could to get to her. I hear the others telling me to slow down, but I don't care. I just want to get to Lucy.


I was watching over Lucy-san who is still unconscious. Everyone's gone out in search of the princess. Carla went to bring some medical items for me. I'm really happy she's alive. But I have to ask why is she alive? Maybe later, I hear Happy explaining it to the guild, but I still don't understand. I mean I saw her got killed in the explosion, there's no way she'll survive. I don't know how she did it and I don't care. This is the best day of my life. Just then, the door opened and Lisanna-san comes in.

"You shouldn't be moving" I said.

"Don't worry, I'm fine" she said weakly. "How is she?"

"She hasn't woken up. That woman, black mask's crystal magic really did a good damage on her" I said.

"I see" she said. We heard a strange sound that's was coming from outside. We ran outside and saw pictures of the demon, black mask appearing everywhere.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Hello everyone" she begins. "I know you all are confused right now, so let's cut to the chase. You all know the mysterious fire dragon slayer known as salamander. I thought causing trouble here would draw his attention, I guess I was wrong. So listen up salamander, whoever you are, I left some clues that only you will figure it out. If you don't show up now, the princess, these people's deaths will be on your hands" she finished with a evil laugh. Her laugh sent cold shivers down to my spine. I heard a man laughing. I looked around and saw a man with ten men in armor walking towards us. He wore a white long coat. He wore gloves that has claws. He also wore a hat.

"Hey ladies, let's have some fun" he said as the men charged at us.

"Sky dragon roar!" I chanted. My breath attack sent them flying somewhere.

"I'm......not fully impressed" he said. "Now shall we begin?"

We both got into a fighting position. He smirked and raise his hand up and make a come at me motion. I made the first move by leaping at him while throwing a sky dragon claw. He suddenly disappeared, then I felt a kick behind me sending me flying. "What!" Lisanna-san changes into a bird and flys at him. He flips in front of her and kicked her back in mid flight.

"Sky dragon roar!" I chanted, but he teleported before my attack could hit him. "How?!" I thought.

"I'll tell you" I hear him behind me. "I'm called the timer. Why? Cause my magic stops time" I quickly turn around and used sky dragon wing attack, but he teleported again. "If what he says is true, then we're in trouble"

"Animal soul tiger!" Lisanna-san chanted as she changes into a tiger and runs towards him.

"Lisanna-san don't!" I tried to warn her, but it was too late. He teleported behind her. He raised his hand and slam it into her neck. She lost consciousness and falls on the ground. "Lisanna-san!"

He then turns to me. "Let have some real fun" he smirks before he appeared behind me and slams his hand on my neck. I fell on the ground and lost consciousness.

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