Best night ever

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All Time Low was now playing their last song called Somthings Gotta Give. You and Kyle danced to the music and sang all of the lyrics. The best part, you were in front of the stage. "I'm having a lot of fun y/n!" Kyle yelled over the crowd and music. "Same!"

A few minutes into the song, Alex, the lead singer pointed at you and took your hand, pulling you up onto the stage. Your heart races as you looked at Kyle and bursted out laughing. He must of saw how you knew all the words. Then he pulled Kyle up on to the stage and handed the microphone to you both as you sang part of the song. Seeing the crowd cheer and Alex smiling at you both, this was truly, the best night ever.

Sorry that it's short but I'll update more later on!

If yah wanna give me some suggestions you can message me, also, here are some of my social media usernames :)

Instagram: nicole_mcgreevy

Twitter: NicoleMcGreevy_

Snapchat: nicki2343

Chat with me if yah wanna cx

Kyle David Hall ImagineDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora