Sick at the Thought of it All

80 10 3

March 20

My mother and I have had a detrimental relationship pretty much since the onset. As a child I was mostly neglected. Now as an adult she blames me for our damaged relationship. When I offer to help her with the alcoholism and the anxiety she gets angry and claims I'm talking down to her and belittling her. I invite her to my place for dinner and she turns me down, claiming she has things to do; those "things" typically consist of drinking, exclusively.

After years of putting up with her accusations of being insensitive and arrogant, I've decided to put my foot down. She mistreats me for years and now paints me the bad guy. I refuse to play her games. I haven't spoken to her in three weeks now. I've avoided her calls. I feel sick about this. This is the longest I've ever gone without conversing with my mother. I've done what I must. It doesn't feel good but it's a necessary evil.


Diary of the Defeated: Sick at the Thought of it All

Scoviak, JM. 20 Mar 2015

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2015 ⏰

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