Stale Bread on an Empty Stomach

219 18 7

November 19th

Well the wind stopped last night at some point. I'd guess I got about five hours of sleep. I woke with a pain in my neck. I've had to walk around with my head cocked to one side. To look around means to pivot my whole body.

I've had substantial hunger pains this morning. I haven't been eating very well lately. I guess it doesn't help that I haven't been to the market in a while. I loath going outside. I found some stale bread and ham spread, it'll do.

I should go outside today. The sun is bright and full. However, it'll take some real initiative, I really dread leaving the house.

Diary of the Defeated - Stale Bread on an Empty Stomach
JM Scoviak, 18 Nov 2014

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