Part 1

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"Dean, baby, it's time for us to head to catering," I say, shaking my boyfriend, Dean Ambrose.

"Why do we have to go right now?" Dean asks, rolling over on the couch in our locker room to face me while he yawns.

"The boss has some announcements he wants to make to everyone," I say, brushing his wild hair from his face. I kiss his forehead before standing up and offering him a hand up. As we make our way to catering, we run into Randy Ortain and his boyfriend, John Cena.

"Do you guys know what this is all about?" Dean asks, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"I wish I did. He never tells me anything anymore," Orton says, frowning.

"That is because of your taste in men. You know Triple H does not like me," Cena says, grabbing Orton's hand. As we turn the corner and enter the catering area, I notice that it has already become crowded.

"Go and save us some seats, babe, and I will grab the food," I say, pushing Dean towards a section with open seats.

"Save us some too, please," Cena says as Dean goes to walk away. I smile as Dean just waves and keeps walking.

"Sorry about that, John. He just woke up from a nap," I say as we load our plates and Cena helps me load a plate for Dean.

"It is ok, Roman. I figured with how he was yawning on the way here," Cena says as we head over to where Dean saved us seats at an empty round table.

"Here you go, baby," I say, setting a plate down in front of Dean after he lifts his head off of the table.

"What about drinks?" Dean asks, looking at each of our plates.

"I will get them. What do you guys want?" Orton asks, standing up.

"Can I have a Coke?" Dean asks me.

"As long as it is only one, babe. I will take a water, please," I say, brushing hair back from his face again. I smile when Dean gives me one of his small bashful smiles.

"Do you guys have a match tonight?" Cena asks as Orton passes water to me and sets Dean's Coke in front of him.

"No, but Triple H said we need to be here because we are getting a new storyline," I say, frowning when Dean stops eating and just pushes his food around his plate.

"You ok, Dean?" Cena asks, noticing as well.

"Baby, what is wrong?" I ask, moving my seat to be right next to him.

"He is splitting us up, is he not?" Dead asks, locking eyes with me. I hate seeing so much sadness in his eyes.

"Honestly, I do not know, babe, but even if he does, that will not change anything between us. I love you, Dean, and that will never change," I say, pulling Dean to lean against me as I wrap my arms around him and kiss the top of his head.

"He would be an idiot to split you two up," Orton says, moving Dean's Coke a little closer to him. Dean gives him one of his sad smiles and takes a drink of his Coke.

"Everything is going to be ok, Dean," Cena says, smiling as Dean slowly starts to eat again. We all go back to eating and get finished just in time for Triple H to show up to make his announcements. Dean tenses and curls into my side, gripping my shirt tightly.

"I am sure you all are dying to know what I wanted you all together for, so I will just cut to the chase. First thing is that I am not going to be present as normal for the next year because Stephanie has found out she is expecting," Triple H says, smiling as everyone slaps and shouts congratulations. "Thank you, all. Secondly, we have a new person joining the roster today. I would like you all to show him the same respect you show each other. Seth, come on up here." A very small in size man wearing a hoodie with the hood up slowly walks over to where Triple H is standing.

"What the hell is this, Triple H? He is much too small to be one of us!" Big Show yells as the man stands next to Triple H.

"You should know by now that being small does not mean anything, Show, seeing how Jeff Hardy beat you more than once when he was still with us," Kane says from his standing position next to Triple H.

"Kane will be in charge while I am gone. That is all, you may go back to your food," Triple H says, turning and saying something to Kane before leading Seth off towards his office. Dean whimpers and curls into me more, practically crawling in my lap, when Kane starts making his way to our table.

"Triple H wants to see you two in his office," Kane says, frowning when Dean buries his head under my arm. "Is he ok?"

"He is worried the boss man is going to split them up," Orton says as I try to calm Dean down.

"Dean, look at me," Kane says in his no playing around voice. Dean slowly peaks out at Kane as I rub his back. "I can tell you right now that he has no plans of splitting you two up. He just wishes to talk to you two." I smile as Dean slowly sits more in his seat though he is still leaning against me.

"Come on Dean, let us go see Triple H," I say, standing up and pulling Dean up with me.

"I am not done with my Coke," Dean says, frowning.

"You can bring it with you, Dean," Kane says, grabbing it and handing it to Dean.

"Go put a lid on it," I say, nudging him towards where the lids are.

"He is clingy today," Kane says as we walk over to where Dean is after I said goodbye to Cena and Orton.

"Ever since Triple H called and said he is going to change our storyline, he has not been sleeping well," I say, frowning when I see Dean yawn and rub his eyes.

"It is good you guys do not have a match tonight. After you do your sequence, you can leave early," Kane says as Dean curls into my side as we head to Triple H's office.

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