Ch 1 A New Crappy World

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Jaune woke up to two soldiers standing over him.

Jaune: (thoughts) Oh no.

Green Soldier: I think they're dead.

Blue Soldier: Have you tried poking them with a stick?

Green Soldier: No, do you not see them? No masks. What if I catch something?

Blue Soldier: But you have a mask.

Green Soldier: You want me to cough on you?

Blue Soldier: No. (sees Jaune) Crap. The blonde isn't dead.

Green Soldier: (raises weapon) So much for looting them.

Jaune: No wait!

Green soldier: Nope.

The green soldier hits Jaune in the head with it, knocking him out.

Blue soldier: So we aren't going to question why they look different.

Green Soldier: (poking Jaune with a stick) Nah.

Blue Soldier: You know you could of made him help us carry his team right?

Green slumps down realizing now realizing he's going to have to carry two bodies.

Green Soldier: (grabbing Jaune by the foot to drag him) Just get one.

Unlike JNPR Team RWBY had better luck in their first contact.

Yang: Trapped in a cell, great. Just great. Why couldn't we take them on?

Weiss: Besides the fact that we're out of our element it wouldn't be good to just fight the first people we see. Even if they put guns to our faces.

Ruby: They were nice enough to let Blake have her book. Right Blake?

Blake: (puts book down) Right, but now we play the waiting game if Y/N and Red is here.

Ruby: Hopefully.

The Green Army was fighting at the moment but although it went well at first the offensive turned into a stalemate.

Y/N: Ughhh. How long have put forces been fighting the yellows?

Green Commander: It's been two months. Yup, we're behind schedule.

Y/N: Please tell me there's good news.

Green Commander: Well... Sir, our next offensive is right on schedule, but if it fails and the yellow army counterattacks we will have to retreat to our original line.

Y/N: So the original offensive would be all in vain?

Green Commander: Yes. Sir, we just don't have the troops. If we just waited-

Y/N: We couldn't. The yellows would've then attacked us. Better to be on the initiative and attack them first. At the very least then any damage would be in their territory. Between a rock and a hard place.

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