Ch 4 Final Preperations

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With things going as planned you decide that this was time for the final meeting with all of your generals before the grand offensive.

Y/N: Alright, you guys know the drill but this is just the last rundown.

They all nod before looking to the giant map detailing troop positions and arrows to where they will strike at.

Y/N: Enemy obstacles.

Green General 1: We cleared as much as we can but for the final stretch we can only hope that the artillery destroys them.

Y/N: Does our troops know where not to walk through this time?

Green General 2: Yes.

Green General 3: (lowers head) I lost too many troops last time.

Y/N: Miller, you will be in charge of the first second and second wave.

Green General 1: You got it.

Y/N: Patrick, do what you do best.

Green General 2: Kaboom?

Y/N: Yes Patrick, yes. Perry, you do the third and final wave.

Green General 3: Alright.

Y/N: Remember we have to attack across all fronts so that the yellows don't know our true objective. That and you know doing this they can't send in reinforcements to areas that can collapse as they will be bogged down in their own front.

As this was playing out Red was outside the door, sitting down. That was until of course Ruby, Blake, and Weiss came along as they wonder what was going on.

Blake: What's happening?

Vaughan: You know planning for the attack.

Ruby: Shouldn't you be in there then?

Vaughan: Oh, I lead the men and stuff but the planing stuff ain't my thing.

Weiss: What exactly is the plan?

Red in response pushes some papers towards Weiss that was on a nearby table.

Weiss: (looking at papers) This actually looks like it can work, but the way Y/N worded it.

Vaughan: Y/N, hates doing those detailed presentations. He just makes sure that the final preparations are done and that the plans are written out.

The Green Generals walk out of the room to back to their respective places for the final preparations. You walk out of the room a few seconds later.

Weiss: Hey Y/N, what exactly are you and Red going to do?

Y/N: Us? We're just the distractions. If you look at the map behind you the "x" is where the breakthrough should happen. Where we have the most concentration of our men.

Blake: How did you even this kind of info: enemy positions, enemy numbers, artillery locations, and just about everything.

Vaughan: We have our ways.

Two weeks ago you and Red were in front of a group of green soldiers asking for volunteers.

Vaughan: Anyone want to volunteer for a mission you'll probably die in?

Not a single green raised their hand.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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