Ch 3 Tour

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Walking to the cafeteria you all grab a tray and went in the line.

Weiss: (sees the food in front of her) Uhh... What is this?

Green Cook: Food.

Weiss: What kind of food exactly?

Green Cook: The food kind.

Weiss: What is it?

Green Cook: Do you want it or not? You're holding up the line.

Hesitantly grabbing the food Weiss saw that her teammates didn't have much of an issue. Sitting down she spoke up.

Weiss: I know that conditions aren't exactly good here compared to Remnant but don't you at the very least get good food? I mean as you're the leaders after all.

Vaughan: We do. That's why I got the rat with two heads on a stick.

Blake: It looks uncooked.

Vaughan: Hold up.

Taking off his helmet suddenly Red activates his laser eyes to cook the rat before putting back on his helmet. Team RWBY look on in absolute astonishment.


Yang: Did Red just do what I thought he did?

Ruby: That's so cool! When did you get laser eyes? I thought you didn't have a semblance. I thought you-

Vaughan: I got this by a genie.

Blake: And you didn't make no mention of this before?

Vaughan: Why would I? I only use it to cook food when I'm lazy.

Y/N: Which is a lot.

Vaughan: Basically. Anyways My eyes hurt afterwards. Who knew shooting lasers out of your eyes would hurt so much?

Y/N: That and Red sometimes forgets to take off his helmet and needs to replace it. Stupid genie. Only gave the one wish.

Weiss: So you had a genie and you did not use this wish for something like you know world peace?

Vaughan: Why would I waste a wish on something stupid? Besides what if it was a genie that tricks people?

Y/N: One minute world peace and then it's broken and the wish was technically true.

Laying her head on the table Weiss knew she would not be able to change his mind.

Ruby: You gotta admit Weiss, it is cool.

Weiss: I stand by my point.

Ruby: I know what you mean.

Looking around Yang sees something rather off. A yellow soldier.

Yang: Uhhh Y/N.

Y/N: (eating lizard on a stick) Yeah?

Yang: I thought yellows were your enemies. Why is there one sitting on that table?

Y/N: Are you talking about yellow guy?

Yang: Yellow guy?

Y/N: Yeah, he's apart of my personal squad.

Yang: But aren't they the enemy? How did he even join?

Y/N: We honestly do not know. One day he just showed up. He only communicates with his signs. No one knows what he says.

Vaughan: (thoughts) No way we're telling them we were too afraid to try anything.

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