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While RWBY didn't had much problems the same could not be said with JNPR.

Jaune: (holds head with hand) Ughhhh. My head hurts. (looks around) Wait. Where's my team? Who are you?

Prisoner: Leaders are in this cell.

Jaune: Why are we in a cell?

Prisoner: The game of torture.

Jaune: We're going to get tortured?!

Prisoner: Worse.

Jaune: What can be worse than-

A green soldier walks up to the cell, opening it.

Green Soldier: You, blondie, you'll be the one representing your squad. Come!

Prisoner: Good luck.

Jaune obeyed but went as slow as possible as he was afraid as any sane person would as the word torture doesn't evoke good thoughts.

Green Soldier: Hurry! You're keeping the audience waiting!

Jaune: Audience?

Green Soldier: (pushes Jaune) Try not to die.

Jaune froze up in the middle of the stage as he sees a crowd of people chanting "Game of Torture" over and over.

Commentator 2: Welcome back to GAME OF TORTURE!

Commentator: What's your name son?

Jaune: Jaune.

Commentator 2: Who names their child after a color?

Commentator: He is probably a yellow sympathizer.

Jaune: What's happening? Why is everyone chanting game of torture?

Commentator: That's because you are on GAME OF TORTURE! Spin this wheel and you get the punishment selected.

Commentator 2: And you lucky bastard has it on a good day. Only one out of the six will kill you and your squad.

Jaune: And if I don't spin?

Commentator: You'll actually get tortured for real and taken to the back and shot in the back of the head, being left in a shallow ditch where your gear will get stripped by someone for anything valuable.

Beyond frightened Jaune had no option but
to turn the wheel. Looking at at it shows the possibilities where the wheel could land on.

Jaune: What do the numbers mean?

Commentator 2: Look to your right.

1. Being forced to eat soup with a fork only.
2. A day in the DMV.
3. Having to find the end of the end of clear tape rolls.
4. A room full of inanimate objects that will always snag on your clothing.
5. The feeling that you're about to sneeze but nothing happens.
6. Shot in the head or death by catapult. That or torture if you're into that. We don't judge.

Jaune: How is number 5 even possible?

Commentator: Honestly we don't know. It was because of one of our leaders.

Jaune spins the wheel and it lands on one.

Jaune: Being forced to eat soup with a fork only. That's not so bad. Can't we just drink it from the bowl?

Commentator: Do that and your soup gets taken away.

Jaune: That's evil!

Commentator: This is the game of torture. It's not good. Now move on now for the next contestant.

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