Some People Fall Into Love But It Fell Onto Me. Literally: Part 1

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Love is blind. Literally. At least, my love is.  


I walked into the 24-hour pet shop at 10 pm on a Friday night. I had always wondered why there existed such a place. Surprisingly, people did make emergency hamster buying stops.  

It was going to be another long night. The cashier greeted me like I was a regular at the store. Technically speaking, I was, but not buy choice.  

Every Friday and Saturday night, my roommate would lock me out of the dorm so she and a "friend" could have some "study time." I never knew that it was required for an English major to take Anatomy.  

I would stay over at a friend's place if I had any that lived close enough. My genius college plan was to get an academic scholarship to a school halfway across the country. Well, it happened but during my planning I forgot how antisocial I was. The only friends I had in my new town were Patty, the 47-year-old drug addicted cashier and Ms. Fringe, my personal counselor.  

Why did I pick a pet shop to sleep in? That's easy. It's the only place I haven’t gotten kicked out of. I had first tried Wal-Mart, thinking how customer friendly they advertised themselves to be. No, no, no. Don’t be fooled by the smiley face stickers they give out. It’s all a lie; a lie that I fell for. I strolled into Wal-Mart and was greeted by an old lady with one ear bud in, blasting opera. Ok, so maybe “greeted” wasn’t the right description. I was barely acknowledged by her. Anywho, I spent the first hour just strolling through the store. The second hour I had spent in the electronics department organizing all of the CDs. I thought they would be grateful but instead they were wary and promptly escorted me out due to “suspicious behavior.” I ended up walking the streets like a hobo that night.       

However, Patty was pretty cool about me staying in the pet store. The first time I spent the night, she thought I was high. Apparently, I looked high that night, which I would have rather been. I ha previously walked in on my roommate "studying." I'm sure my disheveled hair and crazed look in my eye from what I saw made her remember the “good ‘ole days” as she called it. I sprinted into the pet shop and Patty said to me "Shrooms?" Oh, memories. 

I found my favorite isle: the dog food isle. I didn't like it because of the dog food, it was because it’s the only carpeted part if the entire store. The smell of dog food isn’t very pleasant. After staying here so many times, my nose became immune to the stench.  

I took off my jacket and wadded it up into a makeshift pillow. Mine is still, hopefully, on my bed where I forgot it. Packing around a pillow in a backpack all day wasn’t very fun; in fact it made me look quite ridiculous. If I had a car, I'd have left in there. I'd even sleep in my car. But, no. I had to go eco-friendly and buy a $500 bike. Wish me luck with sleeping on that thing.   

I sprawled out on the ground, resting my head on my "pillow" and slowly drifted off with thoughts of getting a new roommate.  


I awoke to a foot connecting to my face and then someone falling on me. I was pinned underneath the heavy, struggling body. 

"Help! Help!" they shouted.  

Apparently, the struggling body was a man. With the little strength that I had, I was able to push him off of me. I stood up, brushed myself off and checked to see if my face was bleeding or broken. Nothing was wrong, thankfully.  

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