Some People Fall Into Love But It Fell Onto Me. Literally: Part 5

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After spending the entire morning and most of the chilly afternoon unpacking, I was finally done placing my things throughout Aiden's house. The only problem we hadn't worked out was the sleeping situation. Aiden, being the gentleman he was, would always insist on me sleeping upstairs in the softness of his bed while he balled up to sleep on the spring loaded couch. I couldn't have him sleep uncomfortably on my account; it's still his house I'm staying in.

i plopped myself on the love seat and pondered. Aiden had taken Roger out for a walk around the block, so I sat in utter silence. My possessions looked as if they belonged next to Aiden's random  knick-knacks on the bookshelf adjacent me. He had vases of assorted shapes and patterns on one shelf, model cars on another, the top shelf was aligned with his awards from high school and the very bottom shelf was lined with empty picture frames. I had placed my stuffed animals and seashells in every nook and cranny I could fit.His home was beginning to feel like my home, too. Tired from my long hours of laboring, I shifted around on the love seat and closed my eyes.

My life wouldn't be the same. This was going to be an adventure far better than moving far from home to go to college. College. I had class on Wednesday. I wasn't dreading it as I usually did. I was surprisingly looking forward to it. Everyone was going to be astonished by the new and improved Gretch, formerly known as Gretchen or "The Quiet One." No more silent, timid me. I could mentally feel a change in myself; a change that would do me good for the rest of my life. I was going to make friends and no longer be a loner. Aiden, he was the light that I needed to shine on my life, and I loved him for it.

My eyes  open, but not from the thought that passed. A loud bang came from the kitchen followed by the sound of glass breaking and a voice cursing. I slowly arised from the sinking seat. i glanced around for something to protect myself with in case things got...bad. All I could spot was a lamp. I reached to unplug it from the wall. With a lamp in hand, I slowly tip-toed to the kitchen doorway. I didn't know whether or not to call out. i decided against it, knowing my voice would shake and then I realized in all horror movies, the person that shouts dies. I kept my mouth closed as I came closer.

I put my trembling back against the wall next to the opening. All I could hear was someone muttering angrily. I stuck the lamp out into the doorway. Nothing happened. I stuck my foot out. Nothing happened. The voice just continued. I stepped entirely into the doorway, lamp high above my head ready for attack. I stumbled at the sight. I was expecting a broken window and a thief poised to shoot. Instead, with his back turned towards me, was Aiden kneeling on the ground trying to pile up the remains of a white, broken, lemonade pitcher. On the counter was a bouquet of flowers. I snapped myself out of my daze and remembered I was about to attack Aiden with a lamp.I set my pathetic weapon on the counter next to the flowers.

"Um, Aiden? let me help you." I kneeled next to him and started gathering up the pieces that were nearest me.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I bought you flowers as a sort of 'Welcome! Mi casa es tu casa!' gift. I felt around in the shelf for the pitcher; I thought I had a good  grip on it but it slipped." Aiden's voice sounded distant as he rambled. "I was a little dizzy from it but I'm okay now. I think. I don't know."

I instantly put my hand on his forehead. It felt like he was on fire.

"Aiden, sweetie, let's get you to your room." I put my arm around his waist and draped his arm on my shoulders. reluctantly, he let me help him stand up.

"Why? Your flowers. They're gonna die! I have to clean up this mess!" He tried to sit back down. I struggled to keep him from sitting on a pile of glass.

"No, no Aiden," I felt as if I was talking to a child. "You need to go rest in your bed."

"Fine." he huffed. "But I won't sleep. No way, Jose."


It was a struggle to get the delusional man-child up the flight of stairs, but somehow I managed. once he felt the edge of the bed on the back of his legs, Aiden fell backwards onto the cushiony sheets. His forehead was glistening in sweat, that's when I noticed how much clothing he was still wearing. i pulled off his shoes and he began to wiggle his socked toes at me.

"My little piggies say hello!" Aiden said as he wiggled his toes even more. I stiffled my laughter, not wanting to encourage him.

I climbed on to the bed and sat next to Aiden's overheating body. I reached across to unbutton his coat. It was tricky to take it off because he wouldn't stop squirming; claiming that his arms were very ticklish. He was acting like an over-sized toddler in his ill state of mind. I just wanted to hug him, like a teddy bear.

"Ok now Aiden, would you like to stay in you jeans or do you want to change?" I asked.

"Psh, jeans are not allowed in my bed." He hit the comforter for more dramatic effect.

"If you say so..."

I started looking through his dresser drawers for pajamas. I found Avenged Sevenfold drawstring bottoms and a black wife beater top. I set the clothes on the edge of the bed, wondering how I was going to go about doing this.

"Aiden, can you dress yourself, please?"

"No! Why would I wear a dress?! Silly girl!"

I groaned thinking of the humiliation we were both about to face and how ridiculous he must be drunk. Let's just do this quickly, Gretch. I repeated to myself. I undid his jeans with ease and carefully pulled them off, not wanting to expose anything.

"Gretch! Gretch! Gretch! You kinky girl! Is this how your mother raised you? Did she always say to take advantage of a super, mega sexy blind studs, like me?" Aiden had a devilish smile on his face.

"No! Aiden! Geesh! Just keep dreaming." I replied. i started putting the pajama bottoms on him.

"Oh, so this is a dream? In that case, will you - " I shot my hand over his mouth, muffling the rest of his awkward sentence. He licked my palm, I moved it back as quickly as I put it there.

"Aiden!" I squealed. Sadly, I did squeal. "Just stop talking, for heaven's sake!"

"So that's how you like it." he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and tugged off his shirt, exposing the upper body I was not immune to. It took some major self control to put the new top on him. I really didn't want to cover him back up. A body like that should not be covered up.

I was able to get him under the covers without any perverted comments. I placed my hand back onto his forehead.He was still burning up like a Jonas Brother, not that I am a fan of them in anyway. i kissed Aiden's cheek and got up to go finish cleaning the kitchen.

"Gretch. Gretch. gretch. Don't go. please, don't leave me." Aiden pleaded.

I was surprised at how quickly his behavior changed. The silence did him some good. I glanced at the empty spot next to him. I sat onto of the covers.

"I'll stay for a little while." I said, thinking that I'd leave once he fell asleep. As soon as my head made contact with the fluffiness of the pillow, a wave of exhaustion overwhlemed my aching body.

"Gretch?" Whispered Aiden.

"Yes, Aiden?" I replied.

"We're in the same bed." He laughed quietly.

"I'm wearing jeans." I retorted as I closed my heavy eyes.


Author's Note:

ok so i hope you like this chapter. i thought we needed some comedy relief. :D well anywho let me know your thoughts, i value all of them. have a nice day/night (:

ps. dont forget to check out the music list. i have been updating them with every new part!       

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