Trust Me

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Chapter 13

The wind whips past my hair as I run even faster. I hear Prince calling my name behind me but it just motivates my feet to stomp harder into theground. It was very dark and I was heading into the bad part of town. I should have went back to the club but I couldn't face Princeton right now. Not after what he'd done.

A pair of feet catch up to me easily and Prince spins me around.

"Let go of me you bastard!" I yell in his face, trying to twist out of his grip. My neck still burned from that guy's hickie.

"No. Not till you understand the truth. Please Princess." His firm grip held me still and we looked dangerously into each others eyes.

"Don't call me that. I trusted you. And to see you snuggled up with that hoe when I needed you most?"

"But I don't like her. I love you."

Those words stopped me. Only temporarily. I laugh harshly.

"You choose now to say those words? I'm disgusted."

Now it's Princeton's turn to laugh. "If you only knew the real story."

"So why don't you tell me it."

"What do you think I was doing? But you're the one throwing the temper tantrum."

"I have every right to be! You KISSED her!!!"

"Then let me explain."

My silence gives him an answer. He sighs and shakes his head.

"Why am I doing this?" He murmurs, looking into my eyes. His hold on my lightens and then he wraps his arms around me. My face softens and I hug him back, even though I'm still a little angry at him.

"I can't stay mad at you forever. I'm sorry. You have every right to be mad at me. After I came back from outside, I was looking for you. That was when Julie came and started kissing me. I was trying to push her off but she was very persistent. That was when you saw. I was so devastated, Maya."

I didn't know what to say. That one part of me held back, warning me of how many people said to not trust him. But I knew deep down I forgiven Princeton. I smile and kiss him softly. Prince holds me closer and lets me taste his lips. I miss the feel of this. To think I almost gave it up?

I pull back and look up to him.

"Thank you." He says.

I was about to say something when a dull ringing fills my ears. Prince looks around quickly and grabs my hand.

"We have to go, Princess. I shouldn't have let us stay out here in the open."

"Why not?"

"It's dangerous out here. I can't explain it all at this moment."

I nod and we walk back in the direction of the club. Prince quickens his pace and I try to keep up with him. This must be serious if he's so shaken about it. He squeezes my hand to reassure me and I smile.

"Where are we going?" I ask. Suddenly, the warmth of his hand disappears and I look around me. He's gone.

"Prince? Princeton!" I yell out. No trace. Nothing. I hardly believe he would just leave me like that. But he did say it was dangerous. Could he possibly have been taken away?

My necklace starts to glow gold, shimmering in the dark. It lights the space around me and I peer into the night. Figures began to move. They crawled off the buildings, came from the road, appeared out of my shifting light. My heart starts skipping beats. Where's Princeton?

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