Part 2

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Charlie stroked the pendant around his neck that held the scale of his sea friend. The sun was setting and he was nowhere to be seen. It was very unusual and concerning. Alpha was always on point when it came to their meetups, Charlie was the messy one. A splash brought a jump to his heart as he saw Alpha swim over and pull himself out of the water. He was smiling like always, but Charlie knew instantly something was wrong.

"Haha sorry, Charles! I was helping a dolphin caught in the net! I'm here now to grace you with my presence!" Alpha said, pulling himself onto the beach closer to Charlie.

"Is- the dolphin ok?" Charlie looked Alpha up and down. Something definitely was wrong. Alpha, while moving closer, only used one arm to pull himself. He was holding his side.

"Of course the creature is ok! I was there to save the day!"

"Alpha, what happened?" Charlie pointed a shaky finger at him.

"Oh. I guess I can't hide it from you." Alpha sighed lifting his webbed hand to show a long cut. Charlie felt lightheaded looking at. It must have hurt but at least it wasn't bleeding.

"What happened?!"

"Charles, what always happens. It is fine, scars are sexy."

Charlie felt angry. He even felt anger towards Alpha. He hated how he brushed everything off.

"Who did it? Please tell me?"

Alpha wouldn't meet Charlie's one eye.


Charlie knew that was most likely the case but it didn't stop his stomach from dropping even more. He hated being a pirate so much, the rowdy attitude, disgusting hygiene habits, and just general practices. He had to be one though, he knew it was his destiny. At least he was a Captain who could tell his crew how to act. Even if they didn't listen to him all the time. Charlie gave up human meat a long time ago so he surely wasn't going to let his cremates hurt half-human people. Charlie kept looking at the cut on Alpha. He wanted the pain to go away for him. He knew pain too well to ever want it on someone else.

"Don't look at me like that Charlie, it is embarrassing."

"Are you going to be ok?"

Alpha stayed quiet. Before letting out a big sigh.

"I'm fine dear, this has happened before. Ahah did you bring my cloak?"

The wrapped-up cloak was sitting next to him on the beach. Charlie picked it up to help slide it on him.

"Charles, how do you deal with humans?" Alpha asked while Charlie helped him get it on.

"I don't know, they just always have been scared of me."

"HA scared of you! You're so spineless!" Charlie's face fell at those words making Alpha instantly regret saying it. "I'm sorry that was mean."

"I know I'm spineless but those crewmates listen to me at least. That is why I'm a pirate because people listen to me once in my life."

Alpha nodded his head in understanding.

"Did you know that I was a prince?" Alpha blurred out. "It wasn't just some cute nickname, I am a prince to merpeople."

"What happened?" Charlie choked. "You are saying "was"."

"My people have been getting wiped out, there are still mermaids but I see so little now," Alpha said. His voice lacked the usual confidence.

For the first time, Charlie was seeing such a vulnerable side to Alpha. The worry only increased when he saw a single droplet run down his face.

"Alpha, are you crying?"

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