Part 5

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Charlie stood on the deck of his ship looking out at the vast ocean and night stars. He couldn't sleep he had a nightmare, he couldn't remember that nightmare but he knew it shook him to his core. This happened to him every so often. Every time it did it ended up with on his his deck alone with his crew all passed out.

In his jacket he pulled out a cigarette and clumsily lit it. It was an annoying habit he picked up from his crew, but he had to admit that the slow inhale of the smoke did calm him.

He then started to sing. It was the perfect time for it. He loved singing but hated to do it in front of anyone. It was embarrassing.

As he sang a voice joined in, this caused Charlie to immediately freeze up and shut his mouth. He quickly looked around everywhere trying to place it.

"Why did you stop?" Charlie then looked down over into the water. It was hard to see with it being pitch black but it was a blonde shirtless man floating smiling at him. "Wow you are a rather strange looking man."

"Ooo-h my! Y-you're Oo-verboard!" Charlie dropped his cigarette and ran to grab a rope, he tossed it but accidentally forget to hold onto the other end so ended up it fully into the water. "OH No! Wait let me just jump-"

"NO!" The man in the water shouted. He swam over to the rope and picked it up. He looked like he was looking at the fibers as close as he can. "I'm perfectly fine. I am a merman."

"A mermaid- I mean merman?"

The apparent merman lifted up his tail out of the water. It sparkled against the moonlight. The beauty of the scales made Charlie understand why people hunted them so much. His stomach then felt sick for thinking so low of this creature, like he was some sort of object.

"Why are you here aren't merpeople terrified of pirates?"

"I'm not terrified of anyone!" The merman proclaimed. This statement made Charlie wonder how he wasn't dead. Being afraid was a way to protect yourself. Sure Charlie was a little bit to much afraid of everything but fear was conmen senses. "Besides I couldn't just ignore a good performance!"

"M-my singing?" Charlie felt his face heat.

"Yes! You have the best singing voice out of any land creature I have ever met! I simply had to join."

"I'm really not that good.. my family are so much better."

"Hush! What is your name weirdly shaped pirate?"

"It's Captain Charlie..."

"Wow! You're the captain of this ship? My name is Alpha Senpai the Third but please just call me Alpha."

"Alpha..." Charlie mumbled under his breath bleaching it into his brain. "Alpha you probably shouldn't stay around here for much longer. My crew has been told to never hurt anyone but sometimes they get carried away."

"Hmm..." Alpha was analyzing the rope wrapping it around himself. "Will you see me again?"

"W-what? Why would you want to?" Charlie asked.

"Because I like you! And you are now my friend!"


"Besides I always wanted to learn about the land and all the creatures on it. I can bring you gifts if you want as an exchange for that! I know you pirates love shiny things!"

"You know where gold is?"

"Yes, wait here," Alpha dived into the water with a splash. Charlie only stood there watching the ripples of the water. He was starting to wonder if this was all a dream. Never in his life such a beautiful creature took such interest in him, it made him so nervous. In a matter of minutes Alpha emerged from the water. On his neck was a variety of sparkly jewelry including a pearl necklace. In his hands held gold and some gems. The items he held did looked aged and dirty from being underwater but Charlie knew he could clean it.

"W-here did y-ou get all of that?"

"There is a sunken ship right under us dear. And I know many more throughout the ocean. Let me meet with you again and I will give you all the treasures I can."

"O-h ok. But again being around me is dangerous."

"Don't worry! Like I said I'm not afraid of anything!"

"I couldn't relate."



"I have only just met you but you shouldn't be afraid either. I bet you are the best captain that your crew ever had."

It felt so good to hear that. Charlie throughout his life felt like he has done everything wrong.

"...T-hank you Alpha. I-I can't wait to see you again."

"No problem! Ki wo tsukete!" The merman blew a kiss before diving into the ocean. Charlie again couldn't believe that encounter was real and not a dream.

He couldn't wait until he saw him again. 

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