Who do I look like?

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Blake's POV:

"Morning mom! And good morning Bumble Bee." I say sitting down next to my baby brother's highchair at the table.

We've always called him Bumble Bee because he's constantly humming like a little bee though his name is actually Ronan. In total I have 11 siblings. I know, my parents went all Cheaper by the Dozen with having kids. I'm the fifth oldest behind my 20 year old sister Brynlee and the triplets Lawson, Lana, and Lilah, who just turned 18. Not only do my parents have 12 kids but three of them are triplets and there's a set of twins as well. I turned 15 in June, my name's Blake (my parents thought it was a cool name for a girl). I have a 14 year old brother named Jace, a 12 year old brother named Kyler, a 9 year old sister named Theodora (we call her Theo). Tommy and Tripp are 6, (they're the twins). My sister Kinsey is 3 and Ronan is 6 months old.

Needless to say, there's a lot of us. So it's not surprising when our mom and dad kinda forget about the older kids. We sort of just fend for ourselves, and we usually have to help out with the younger kids. I tend to take care of Ronan, I love taking him with me everywhere I go. I take him to day care in the mornings, and pick him up when I get out of school.

He's the only one who seems to get me in this family. I don't look like any of my siblings, or my parents. They all have brown hair like our mom, and the triplets have red hair like dad. While I have super blonde hair and brown eyes. I don't fit in with them. All of my sisters are super girly, and my brothers are all in sports as soon as they're old enough. I play softball, but it's not my whole life like their sports are. I ride my skateboard everywhere when I don't have Ronan with me, I'm more of a tom boy so my sisters never wanna hang out with me.

"Morning Lana, ah sorry Theo." My mom says back. I know she doesn't mean it.

"I'm Blake mom." I say giggling.

"I knew that. Sorry honey, it's just been a long week." She says kissing the top of my head.


"What's up?"

"Remind me again who I look like? Why don't I have dark hair like everyone else? Am I adopted or something?" I ask. We have this conversation often. It's become like an inside joke.

"You were not adopted sweetie. You get your blonde hair from your dads grandmother. And I think it's absolutely beautiful." She says ruffling it as she leaves the kitchen.

"I was totally adopted huh Bumble Bee?" I say as I give him another spoonful of his baby food.

Ronan giggles as we finish eating and I take him to get a new onesie.

The day care lets me leave his stroller there during the day because they know I walk here with him.

After I get him dropped off I put my head phones in and hop on my skateboard.

Today's like any other day, weaving in and out of crowds to get to my school, but all the sudden I feel someone's hands on my arm and the next thing I know I'm on the ground, my ear buds ripping out in the process.

"What the hell dude!" I yell jumping up and lunging at him.

"You should watch where you're going kid!" The guy yells lunging at me as well.

"Hey hey hey! Whoa!" I hear someone yelling and a lady puts her arms around my stomach pulling me backwards as another woman, who I now can tell is a cop, pulls the guy back separating us.

"Let me go! Get off of me!" I yell trying to get myself free from her grasp.

"Hey, kid relax." She says letting go of my waist but keeping her hand on my arm.

"You okay?" She asks holding my arm up that I now see is bleeding along with my knee.

"I'm fine." I say leaning down to grab my board.

"Kid needs to watch where she's skating! Nearly hit me!" They guy spits towards me.

"So you knock her off her skate board into concrete? Get out of here!" The other cop says shoving the guy away. He throws his arms up at us as he leaves.

I turn back around looking for my ear buds, and when I do it's almost like I'm looking in a mirror. It seems like she's just as stunned as I am because we both just stare at each other for a minute.

"You okay?" She asks me and I just nod.

I tear my eyes away from her and find my ear buds on the ground next to one of Ronan's pacifiers that must've fallen out of my back pack. I try and keep one everywhere just incase.

I pick them both up and look back over at both cops who are now standing next to each other.

"I'm Detective Rollins, and this is Detective Benson. Here's my card, if you ever need anything just give me a call." The blonde detective says and I nod and take the card. I get back on my skateboard because I don't have time to walk to school anymore and go as fast as I can to get there on time.

When I get to school I look at the card.

Amanda Rollins SVU.

I couldn't have just been seeing things. I looked just like her.

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