I don't Fit In

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TW - Abuse, Yelling, Cussing.

Blake's POV:

On Tuesday after I picked Ronan up from daycare I took him home so I could get some homework done. Usually I would take him to the park or something, but I failed my history test yesterday and I'm just waiting for my parents to find out.

That's just another way I'm not like anyone in this family. They all get effortlessly good grades, and no matter how hard I study I usually end up failing whatever the assignment is. 

When I get home my parents are still at work, so I get Ronan settled and head up to mine and Lana, and Lilah's room. There's way too many of us to have our own rooms so we share, but with them being 18 we don't tend to cross paths a whole lot. 

It was 7:30 before mom got home, and it was already starting to get dark.

"Blake!!" I hear her yell as she comes up the stairs.

"Here it comes." I think.

"Wanna tell me how on earth you failed another test! This is ridiculous!! Why can't you be like your brothers and sisters! You're the only one who makes trouble in this family!!" She yells standing in my doorway.

"Because I'm not like them mom!! I'm not like any of you!! I don't fit in with this family!!" I yell back.

"Don't raise your voice at me young lady!" She snaps back.

"What does it matter! It's not like you care about me anyways!" I spit out not thinking.

I suddenly feel a sharp sting on my face and I realize she slapped me.

"Get out of my sight." She says and I scramble to grab my skate board and earbuds as quickly as possible.

This isn't uncommon for me. We fight, it gets ugly, I leave for a bit, I come back when they're asleep, and we move on. 

I take off as fast as I can as soon as I get outside. I hate it here. I skated passed central park and came upon an abandoned building. They're everywhere in New York. Kids graffiti them all the time. I was so mad I wasn't really thinking and punched straight through a window in the building. 

My hand immediately started bleeding and I winced as I pulled out little pieces of glass. 

"Fuck!" I yelled as I slid down the side of the building.

I pulled my knees to my chest and started crying. I didn't even notice someone come up to me until I felt a hand on my arm.

I jumped trying to stand up but tripped myself in the process. Ugh I'm such a klutz.

"Hey, it's okay sweetheart. I'm not gonna hurt you." I heard the other person say and that's when I realized it was that cop from yesterday.

"You okay? That's a pretty nasty cut. Let me take a look." She said reaching for my hand but I pulled it away from her.

"It's fine. Are you following me or something?" I asked angrily. I'm not mad at her, this isn't her fault it just came out before I could think.

She chuckled for a second before answering.

"No, no honey I'm not followin you. I saw you sittin outside at night by yourself. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." She said. She had a thick southern accent. It was oddly comforting.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Just needed to get out of the house for a bit." I said looking up at her.

"Honey, your face. Did somethin happen?" She asked.

I hadn't seen my face since my mom slapped me, I didn't know it had left a mark.

"It's nothing, she didn't mean it. I should go. Thanks for checking on me." I said standing up in a hurry.

"Sweetie who didn't mean it? It's okay, maybe I can help." She said and grabbed my arm.

"No one. I said it's nothing. Let me go. I need to go." I said pulling my arm as hard as I could.

She finally let go and I decided it was probably best if I head home.

Who is this lady. She's a cop so I guess she has the ability to follow me and find things out about me but why would she. I'm not interesting. I'm quite the opposite, I suck at school, I'm one of 12, none of us really stand out anyways. We're always kinda lumped together as the Dixon kids. The only thing I can do that my sisters can't is hit a softball so far we lose 3 a game. 

I love softball. It's the one thing I do that no one else in the family does. But then again it's just another thing that sets me apart. None of my brothers even play baseball. No one in my family is good at stuff like this. 

There has to be a reason I'm so different from all of them. It makes no sense logically or frankly, genetically. 

Who am I?  

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