New Friend

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Blake's POV:

As usual I skated up to school just before the bell rang and took off running towards first period.

I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going and accidentally ran into another girl knocking all the papers she was holding out of her hands.

"Shoot, I'm so sorry. Here." I say bending down to help her pick everything up.

"Thanks, don't worry about it." The girl says smiling.

Once we get everything picked back up we stand up and look at each other for a second.

"I'm Jesse." The girl says holding her hand out.

"Blake." I say shaking her hand.

"Cool name! I wish mine were more unique Jesse's pretty boring." She says with a laugh.

"Trust me, there's nothing unique about me." I say.

"Here. Put your number in my phone, maybe we can hang out sometime. You seem really cool Blake." She says handing me her phone.

"Oh, okay. Yeah cool." I say smiling as I type in my number just as the bell rings.

"See ya around." I say waving as I head to class. 

It's nice to finally have a friend who only knows me and not all 12 of my siblings and I.

About half way through 5th period my phone goes off and I see that it's from an unknown number. I had totally forgotten I had given Jesse my number this morning.


Hey! It's Jesse from

this morning!

Wanna come over

tonight? My mom

doesn't get off until

late, so it's pretty

boring for me haha. 

Hi! Okay! 

I have to

pick my brother

up from daycare

beforehand and then 

I can drop him

off at home and head

over if that works?

Oh cool! You

have a brother?

I'm an only child.

It gets pretty lonely lol.

Yeah! I um I actually

have 11 siblings.

It gets quite hectic


WHOA! Okay you

are totally living

my dream.

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