Chapter 5

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Izuku's POV

It's been a few months since I joined Shiketsu High and I love it! Everyone is so nice! Today, We're heading to the hero licenses exam. I was laughing and wasn't looking where I was going, bumping into someone. I laughed and stood up, apologizing. "It's alright! Just watch where you're going next time!" I heard someone say. I nodded and went back to my class.

"Are you alright?" My friend, Shindo, asked. "Haha, yea." I said and opened my emerald eyes. "AIZAWAAAAA!" I heard my teacher say. I looked over and snickered, seeing Aizawa's usual face. "SIMP!" I said. Mrs. Joke looked over and huffed. "LIKE YOU AREN'T IZU!" She said. "NEVER SAID I WASN'T MA'AM!" I said and walked over with Shindo, Camie, Inasa, Seiji, and Mora. "Izuku?" The entire 1A looked over.

I gulped and waved. "Quit starring problem children." Aizawa said. "His hair is different!" Oh, forgot about that. "Whoops- forgot about that." I chuckled. "Tch. Still have that dumb bear?" Kacchan asked but I ignored him. I skipped into the place and got my suit on.

I let my wings out and giggled, going to where were supposed to be. I landed next to Inasa and Seiji. We were talking for a while and I heard some people walk up. "OI DEKU!" I heard Kacchan said. I sighed and looked at him. "Yes Kacchan?" I asked. "Still have that dumb bear?!"

"Oooh this is your ex? Opposites I tell ya!" Inasa said. "Tell me about. A bully from middle school trying to change after bullying his lover to impress his friends that were only with him because of his quirk. Then, after the 'lesson' was over, he HELPED his supposed lover. Oh! And let us NOT FORGET when he told me to kill myself and pray that I'm born with a quirk in my next life." I said.

Kacchan was speechless, I could tell. "Kacchan, you want to know how I got my quirk so badly?" I asked. "NO SHIT DEKU!" Kacchan said. "Why, I got it by trying to take your advice of course!" I smiled. "D-Deku" Kacchan said. 'Shit...I'm panicking and I didn't bring that bear today.' I thought to myself.

"Whatever, I'm out. I already have my license anyway." I said and went to locker room and changed into my uniform and saw a text from dad. "Huh?"

Dad For Two:

Hey Zu, I saw that you forgot the bear. Do you want your brother to bring it to you?


Hey dad! Yea, I forgot it. But, I tried to go without it for once and uh...didn't work out so well- ^^"

Dad For Two:

.What happened?


SO! The license exam was today and uh- I uhmI saw Kacchanwe uh, well HE was yelling then I told him about how my quirk manifested...

Dad For Two:

That's it, we're kidnapping him.


*sigh* I knew that was coming. I'm better now though!

I put my phone in my pocket and raked my hands through my hair and heard someone. I looked over and saw Kacchan. "What do you want?" I asked. "I thought you forgot about that..." Kacchan said. "Forgot? FORGOT? How could I forget when you acted JUST like her?!" I screamed. "You told me to kill myself! You said I could NEVER be a hero without a quirk like All Might!"

Kacchan looked at me as Mora came in with Camie and Seiji. "I HAVEN'T USED MY QUIRK ONCE TO SAVE SOMEONE! I DO THAT WHILE QUIRKLESS! YES, I STILL HAVE THAT BEAR! IT CALMS ME THE FUCK DOWN FROM HAVING A FUCKING ATTACK!" I cried as Camie and Seiji hugged me and Mora was scolding Kacchan.

I saw a portal open and stood up, running inside and seeing Tenko, running to him and tackling him into a hug which he was shocked about and wrapped his arms around me. "Shh, it's okay Izu."



















I woke up in a bed and groaned. "Izu?" I snapped my head to the voice and saw Dabi. "Hey, its okay." He said. "Sorry..." I said. "It's okay. We kidnapped Bakugou. Aizawa knows but he's too upset to get a rescue together." Dabi said. "I don't care..."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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