《episode 15》

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Hawk,Elizabeth and I walked back to the tavern to see only Diane.  Meliodas, King and Ban no where to be seen.

Elizabeth and I was inside. I was wondering where  Meliodas could be. I was looking out the window of the tavern. "Why isnt he back?" I mumbled.

I heard a knock on the door. "Hello are you open?" I heard a man say. I gasped surprised.

Elizabeth and I rush open to the door. "Welcome Sir!" Elizabeth greeted smiling and gasp. Its the same man Meliodas fought at the Vaizel fighting festival.

"Your Cain arent you? You and Meliodas fought in Vaizel isnt that right?" I asked.

"My word could I be dreaming right now? Destiny and Liz!" Cain said crying. I gasped my earring jingled. "Huh?"

Elizabeth quickly invited him in. And started chatting. "I see so Meliodas survived? I"m so glad to hear that." Cain said as Elizabeth poured him a drink.

I passed the mug towards Cain. "Here." I said softly smiling. "Sorry about that. Hate to trouble two princesses." Cain said. "Its fine"

Cain takes a sip of the ale. "Still I was surprised when I saw you two. Your noble features, soft voice are so like Liz, sometimes annoying" Cain said to Elizabeth.
Cain looks at me. " and who you might be, your very gorgeous just like a angle so please tell me who are you to Meliodas?" He said.

"Well I'm Meliodas girlfriend" I said smiling.

" oh my, Meliodas is a very lucky man" Cain said smiling.

"Oh were she your daughter by any chance?" Elizabeth asked kindly. Cain shakes his head.

"Liz it was short for Elizabeth." Cain said.

"What?" I asked. "Liz was Meliodas"s whole hearted best friend  and girlfriend." Cain said.

After I heard that my heart  Shattered into a million peices.

I looked down. "Girlfriend. Meliodas had a girlfriend?" I felt like I was about to cry.

~time skip the story~
"Cant believe she thought he was naive. Meliodas is just very- very kind thats all." I said. Cain laughs.

"Do you know the reason why be doesnt carry a decent sword around with him?" Cain asks me. I shake my head no.

"He"s too powerful. No ome who has crossed swords with him live to tell the tale. And he doesnt want to out himself in that position. At the same time I think he can just be gentle a soul." Cain said. He then fished in his cloak and out down a sheathed sword.

"What is that?" I asked curiously. "Its something liz once tried to give Meliodas as a gift. And I accepted it for him and kept it ever since." Cain said as I stared at the sword.

Suddenly a road came from the distance startling me. I look at where the soumd was comimg from. "I can sense an unbelivable amount of magical power. I"m goimg to have a look. You wait here princesses!" Cain said as he got down and ran away.

I looked at the plave he left before lookimg at the sword. " Meliodas" I thought before I had a look of determination on my face.

I grabbed the sword and held it tightly to my body as I ran towards the sound. "Wha? Destiny!" Elizabeth said before following me.

"Destiny and Elizabeth!" Hawk yelled as I ran past Hawk, Diane and Cain. I ran until I saw Meliodas.

" Meliodas!" I called out. I stood pantimg out of breath looking at him in the eyes.

"Destiny!"  Meliodas said shocked. "Take this!" I yelled thowimg him the sword.

"Meliodas it"s not that liz wanted you to fight! Its that she wanted you to live! And I feel the same way! I want you to live!" I yelled out.

"Dont you understand, your someone who fights for what be believes in. And if thats your sin I"ll happy carry that burden with you!" I yelled.

Meliodas jumps up to catch the sword and quickly cuts the monster multiple times. The monster cracks and crumbles into multiple pieces.

Meliodas looks up to smile at me. I look down at him smiling also. I run down the hill to hug Meliodas meet with them.

"Thanks to you my minds clear. Let"s go! We"ve got a battle to fight!" Meliodas said smirking. I nod my head. "Right!"


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