The Druids" Holy Land

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"Please wait for us, Diane. We"ll find you, no matter what it takes," I said as I looked out the window.

Meliodas put his hand on my shoulder as reassurance, I smiled softly at him, I give him a cute wink.

"Still 300 miles is a lot of ground to cover, "Meliodas said. "Yeah, I"m glad we"re moving fast but... Hey, Merlin, tell me is there any way you can use teleportation? Cause I"m really worried about Diane," King asked the mage.

"I think it"s very sweet of King to care so much about Diane. But I guess that is what love does, make you go crazy."

"Unfortunately, for right now it"s all I can do to keep my soul contained in Aldan. Sorry about this, King." The mage answered.

"All right," King said clearly saddened. He looked up and glared at Gowther.

Merlin used her illusion that makes it looks like she"s here. "Not only that, but I"d like to keep a reserve of my magical power for emergencies, " Merlin explained.

"What do you mean by that?"King asked. "In the direction Diane"s heading, from the ruins of Edinburgh"s Castle along the way... I"m picking up eaves of monstrous evil,"  Merlin said.

Hawks mom suddenly stopped and I almost crashed but Elizabeth caught me.

"Are you okay?" Meliodas asked and I just nodded. He pulled me into a hug, "I"m never letting you go," he whispered.

"What does she mean by that? Never letting me go, I mean I would just fall but not die."

I went outside to see what was happening. "Big Sister! Could this overpowering murderous intent be..." Slader asked.

"Yes. It looks like they"ve detected our presence as well, " Merlin said as I heard loud thundering thumps.

"No way are you serious? But they"re still hundreds of miles away from us, aren"t they? Their sense of smell is crazy!" Hawk said and I nodded towards Hawk.

"I don"t think they decided us by smell, Hawk," Elizabeth said. "I can"t believe he"s the one that noticed us, "Meliodas said.

"Who is he? Does he mean Galand?"

"A mass of devastating power is heading towards us at the speed!"  King said. "Huh!?" Hawk yelled.

Meliodas ran to the edge. "Hawk"s mom! Change direction and run as fast as you can!"Meliodas ordered.

Hawk"s mother turned to the right and ran as fast as she could. "The magical power just changed course! It"s pursuing us!" Slader said.

"This attack is to see if it"s really me out here. If I use Full Counter they"ll know for sure I"m still alive and also my exact location, " Meliodas said started to pull out Lostvayne.

"I don"t want to. But here"s no other way out of this!" Meliodas said. Hawk"s mom ran towards the threat.

"Mom? He said not to go that way! Mom!" Hawk yelled. We got closer to the murderous power, "Mom, stop!" Hawk yelled.

Hawk jumped on Meliodas. "Hey Hawk!" Sir Meliodas yelled trying to get him off."I don"t want to die!" Hawk cried. "I can"t stop this thing if won"t get off me!" Meliodas said continuing to push Hawk off him

We got closer and I thought for sure, we all were doomed. But what Hawk"s mom did next surprised all of us.

She ate the fireball with no problem, I'm so happy your okay.

Steam came from her nose and mouth, it didn"t even seem to hurt her.

"Oh man, it was almost whole roasted pig time for me," Hawk said. "Pretty impressive, Hawk"s mom! Can"t believe you swallowed all that magical power in one gulp!" Meliodas praised.

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