Chapter 8: Mistake(s)

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  • Dedicated to My Nanny, Happy Birthday, I Miss You xxxx

[A/N: Thanks for all the support guys!!

Fair play to Aimee, Kelly and Sharon for letting me use their names! HAHA.. Don't hate me!!

Don't forget to vote, comment and tweet!! I REALLY want your opinions on this one!!!

Thanks to my lovely Melly Mel for editing :) 

Susan xx]

                                                                                    Chapter 8. 



With each step I took into the cool night air I could feel the intensity from the alcohol enhancing, my vision, although not yet totally hazed, was slightly blurred, and with each movement of my eyes, the colours of what I was seeing would blur and mix together. I shook my head. Trying my best to clear my mind and hope that my vision would return to normal. It didn't help, I felt my head go woozy and for the briefest of moments, I felt as if I was going to fall. 

Ahead of me, Edward came to a stand still and span around to face me,

"Are you OK Jacob?" I nodded, not bothering to open my mouth to answer him. And really- I was fine. Despite the fact of my blurred vision and wobbled steps, I enjoyed the feeling. It wasn't uncomfortable. I laughed subtly to myself. Edward shook his head, clearly disapproving and strode forward again. "Water" I heard him bark back at me. 

I laughed again- to myself this time. Bark. Over the past years, the Cullen’s had used every single dog analogy on me possible, and yet this was the first time I had used it in return, that I remembered at least. Even though I was looking at him from the side, I was pretty sure I could see the corner of his lips twist up into a dark smile. 

My laughter only intensified when beside me, somehow, Seth managed to trip over his feet and stumble towards the floor. In his drunken haze, he forgot to spread his arms out in front of him and so, instead of protecting himself, he fell flat onto the floor, I heard the feint crunch as his nose connected with the cold pavement below us. 

Everyone in our group must have heard him stumble for they all turned in unison as the heard the commotion, many pointing and nudging one another as the laughed amongst themselves. I rolled my eyes and leant over, lifting Seth easily off the floor. 

"You alright man?" I asked, frowning at myself as the words didn't flow from my mouth as easily as I would have liked. 

"Y-yeah" he spluttered through a mouthful of blood, instinctively he reached up to wipe it on his sleeve. 

"Oh get a grip Paul" I heard Sam sigh, I turned in time to see Sam pull Paul away from Emmett and Jasper where he had taken a protective stance, blocking them directly from Seth's path. I rolled my eyes again and looked back to Seth. Trust Paul to go getting all defensive on a night like this. 

"No!" I protested, just before his sleeve reached his nose "Don't do that" I wrenched his arm back down and placed it against his side. The last thing we needed was Seth walking into a bar with a blood drenched shirt- that was just asking for trouble! 

I turned back towards my friends and opened my mouth to speak, but Edward was already one step ahead of me, holding out a white handkerchief. I smiled gratefully at him and took the piece of cloth before handing it directly to Seth. 

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