| chapter one |

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THE humming stopped and instead, y/n heard the chatter of people and birds chirping. opening her eyes slowly, she gasped as she took in the sight around her. everyone, dressed as if on a film set with carriages dragged by horses and women and men giving her bizarre glances to her outfit. the women wore dresses and depending on the woman, they were bright and colourful, clearly of high quality.

other dresses were a dull brown or grey, made of much simpler materials and were not wearing hats to which some women were. men, dressed in top-tailored suits with canes and long top hats who y/n could tell right away; they were rich. y/n had no idea where she was. it wouldn't- it couldn't make sense that she had...travelled back in time. because- because that would be absurd.

glancing to the sky and grimacing slightly, the sky was a dull grey and possibly smokey and she could see from her peripheral vision, some tall columns of brick emitting dark smoke. the flag of the united kingdom was waving gently in the breeze, the flag pole stabbed into the side of a building that seemed to be a bank.

she saw children as young as five heading in her direction. skinny, malnourished and covered in what she could decipher as black soot. though in such attire, the four boys seemed to be happy as they chatted amongst one another but with faces looking gaunt and much older than they actually were, unaware of the fleeting glares from the men and women who wore the clothes of highest quality.

"come back here you thief!" y/n heard a woman yell at the end of the street, a boy probably at the age of nine was carrying two loaves of bread whilst he raced down the pavement, dodging all types of people with his small body and weaving away quickly. he looked behind him and continued to run, only y/n now began to realise what would happen when the boy was mere seconds away.

a collision that forced y/n to fall onto the streets where carriages were pulled by horses. the boy quickly scrambling to get up and clutching his loaves, ignored the girl and ran further and further away until he was lost in the mass of people and was gone. she exhaled this is quite the dream i am having. and dusted herself off as she stood back up.

y/n was positive that this was some kind of...lucid dream. there was no other logical explanation really. what a peculiar happening, they cannot truly exist in the real world. her hypothesis of what happened was too impossible for her to even believe it. though this was quite a realistic dream, she could feel the boy pushing into her and the hard cobble floor hitting her knees.

she flinched when she heard a loud sound of a horse coming from her left. she turned her head and saw her blocking the pathway of a large black carriage. the driver clearly ticked off and glared at her in irritation. a fat head popped out the side window and bellowed, "get out of my way! filthy commoner..." y/n frowned and glanced at the other side of the cobblestone road where it was empty and no carriage was at place.

"excuse me sir, there is space on the other side of the road where there is clearly no one, in which you can use. however, i do apologise for-" y/n started to apologise because she knew she truly was in the way of the carriage.

"you!" the male swung open the door and down the short steps, stopping on the cobbles, his beady pig eyes staring at her in distaste. "a commoner! a stupid, stupid commoner! and a woman at that, telling me what to do?!" his head shook in anger, his skin becoming an eager red as his fat finger pointed at the h/c haired girl.

y/n squinted her eyes, biting back a retort. "i'm sorry sir, i was in the way of your carriage but there is no need for you to use such foul words,"

the man's eyes grew wide in surprise at the fact that someone talked back to him but quickly drew into slits as the anger coursing through him began to increase. "why...you! do you not know who i am? i am baron pihsivia! your parents probably work for me! i could fire them in a second and leave your family penniless and tell other workhouses to not hire your family!"

y/n glanced around her, sensing her to be the main cause of the commotion as crowds of people gathered around her and the man, baron pihsivia. she tilted her head mockingly and smiled, "what if my parents don't work for you? what will you do then?"

pihsivia clutched hard at his cane, his chauffeur suddenly beside him and pleading him "please calm down sir, your blood pressure-" only to be pushed roughly by the baron onto the ground and ignored.

"i own this street!" he boomed, "what i do and what i say is not questioned. i own. this street meaning i can do whatever i want! we nobility have brains more adapted than you paupers, we work for the country, the great british empire and serve our queen! and what do you do?" he looked at the short skirt she was wearing and leered, "you whore! making money from such illicit actions, seducing men and using them for money!"

britsh empire? nobility? this was getting way too realistic for her liking and y/n was getting uncomfortable from the attention. she rolled her eyes and sighed, "yes yes i am a whore," now get me out of here. "i'm sorry i was in front of your carriage, now if i may-" she turned to leave when a hand tightly gripped her wrist. oh for gods sake-

she turned around and glared at the man who was breathing heavily through his mouth, panting even, like a dog, though it would be much too insulting to any dog to be compared to this-this sick bastard. he smiled cynically as he leaned forward to her ear, y/n cringed at the close proximity.

"if you are sorry like the whore you truly are..." he brought his other hand up and stroked her arm. "let me take you to my manor and i'll allow for this to pass, just once. god, i love fierce women..." y/n jeered back instantly and pushed him back with a solid shove sending him staggering.

the baron's mouth turned downwards into a snarl as he lunged at the girl. "you bitch!-"

y/n thought all this seemed all too real. she had the thought that maybe she had been thrown back in time into somewhere within the reign of queen victoria and within the mid to late 1800s where the industry revolution was happening as well. boy this did not look like a film set or a lucid dream.

she very well knew that the recent manga she was reading -moriarty the patriot- was also set within this time region and was heavily based on the unequal treating of the poor. (but no. it couldn't be. could it?) since this man assumed her to be a pauper and was a baron, she had a good fair guess that she may have crossed the fourth wall and time traveled.

y/n was ready to grapple the old man back when a black thin and elegant cane appeared inbetween them, halting pihsivia to a standstill and causing y/n to look up from the white gloved hands that seemed long and thin to a tall male wearing a top hat that obscured his eyes. he was extremely well-dressed, dark suit pants made from the best along with a blazer and vest, an enticing green tie sitting below his neck.

his lips were curled in a polite smile, though when he tilted his head up to reveal piercing, glowing emerald green-like eyes that described all the hatred he seemed to have for the man, y/n realised oh. he's my saviour huh.

"please, baron pihsivia. were you never taught how a gentleman should speak to a lady?"

first chapter: done!
there might be errors cause i wrote this at 1am in a half-sleep state instead of sleeping😃
i made myself laugh when i wrote 'you whore' when the baron looked at her skirt😐
k bye 🕴

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